I Suppose There Is Life After Death

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Arminda meets up with Charon who takes her back to the room that Winston and Ares the pit bull are in "what's going to happen to John!?!"  she asks softly with a concerned tone when they see Winston pick up the phone and hear him say into it "a parley would be good"  Charon asks Winston once he hangs up "are we in play, sir?"  Winston stands up and places a gun in the back of his belt as he replies "oh, very much so"  he walks over to Charon and Arminda then says as he kisses her temple "don't you worry Arminda Johnathan will be just fine!"  Arminda looks at the pit bull that was still in the room and says "come Ares"  the pup jogs over to her and while Charon and Winston head up to the roof Arminda and Ares head towards the front door and walk through it then sit on the front steps unsure where to go from there.... a few minutes later Arminda and Ares hear noises come from the alleyway and they rush into it they find John laying on the ground Arminda kneels beside him and checks for a pulse and when she finds it it was weak she looks up and sees the Tick Tock man walk over to her with a shopping cart then says "there is no way I'm allowing you to put him in that!"  he replies "then how do suggest I take him!?! in pieces!"  she pulls the gun she used on Santino out of it's holster and points it at him and he holds his hands up defensively they end up carrying John's body together with Ares walking at her side.... The Bowery King stares at the gorgeous woman who was helping one of his men carry John into his kingdom with a curious expression on his face but doesn't do anything just watches as Tick Tock lets go of John and the woman walks him (John) over to the couch and lays him down upon it.... Ares jogs over, jumps onto the couch then lays his head on the side of John's hip and he feels John pet his head then whisper "Minda!?!"  Arminda kneels before him and slides her hand along his cheek as she whispers "I'm here John, we're ok!"  he looks up at her then sees where he is and becomes slightly worried then hears the Bowery King ask "how you doing, John? you look as bad as I feel"  Arminda whispers "can we trust him!?!"  John replies with a low voice "I hope so!"  as they were talking the Bowery King chuckles then says "Johnny, Johnny, Johnny raise a hand if you can hear me, John"  John slowly raises his hand and the Bowery King says "oh, shit they took a finger ain't that a bitch?"  he chuckles then laughs as John flips him off the Bowery King groans in pain because of his laughter then says "oh, John fuckin Wick so, the old boy keeps his hotel and you take the fall can't say I blame him I would've done the same if I was in his shoes though that sexy woman in front of you is some consolation prize! I wouldn't have done THAT for you!"  Arminda grips John's shoulder for she knew those words pissed him off "no more lowering yourself to their standards Jardani I hate it when you have to do that!"  she whispers he nods "besides he looks like he's in enough pain and I have a feeling we're going to need his help he won't be of any use to us dead"  she adds he chuckles "but this High Table shit...."  the Bowery King says as Arminda speaks to John he stands up and says as he walks over to them "seven cuts"  he lets out a short chuckle then says "under the Table is where shit gets done and they're about to find out, if you cut a king, you better cut him to the quick"  he kneels down next to Arminda but keeps his attention on John as he says "so.... let me ask you, John how do you feel? 'cause I am really pissed off you pissed, John? hmm? are you?"  John grips Arminda's arm and she helps him sit up he looks at the Bowery King and replies "yeah"....

 let me ask you, John how do you feel? 'cause I am really pissed off you pissed, John? hmm? are you?"  John grips Arminda's arm and she helps him sit up he looks at the Bowery King and replies "yeah"

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