Chapter 4

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Skip forward to after practice and Andrew comes over to Lexi's house. She goes downstairs
A- hey babe
Lr- hey
They hug
Lr- let's go to my room
A- ok
They go up to her room and she locks the door
A- what's up?
Lr- ok I need to tell your something. It's pretty serious and it might affect me later on in life in certain areas
A- ok
Lr- I'm getting an abortion
A- hm? Your what?
Lr- do you actually need me to report it?
A- no. Wait your pregnant? Is it mine?
Lr- so you know what Ben did to me right?
A- wait a minute. It can't be
Lr- it is. We've never had sex Andrew
A- your pregnant with Ben's kid?
Lr- please don't say that out loud
A- but your pregnant? With Ben's kid?
Lr- I'm sorry
A- don't apologize. I mean I know you didn't cheat on me. But
Lr- please don't say it again. I can't hear it again
A- ok. Is that where you were at lunch?
Lr- I went to the doctor to confirm and she got me an appointment ok Wednesday to do it
A- can I come with you?
Lr- why would you want to do that?
A- so you won't be alone ok. I know you really wanna do this and I don't blame you. But I still wanna be there for you. I won't let you do this alone
Lr- ok. You can come with me
A- what time?
Lr- like 12:30
A- ok. I'll drive you there
Lr- please don't tell anybody
A- I won't. I promise
Lr- thank you. Do you still wanna take me to prom?
A- of course. Doing this doesn't change how I feel about you. It gives me more respect for you, actually. I mean it's your body, who has the right to tell you what do with it
Lr- thank you for being so supporting
A- of course. I'll always support you. And if your feeling any discomfort from it Thursday, you don't have to come. I don't want you to be in pain while watching me
Lr- I'll be fine by then. I'll probably just have to skip the rest of the school day Wednesday
A- ok.
They hang out for a minute and then Lexi's mom barges into her room
Lm- why did I just find this card Lexi?!
Lr- I don't know what is it?
Lm- well I called it and it said it was an abortion clinic Alexa
A- oh not Alexa, your in big trouble now
Lm- so are you David
Lr- oop
Lm- Alexa Brooke Rivera, do you want to tell me why you had an abortion clinics number in your phone?
Lr- not really
Lm- missy
Lr- how do you know it's not Brent's?
Lm- because Brent's grounded
Lr- to be fair, he was the one who drove me
Lm- Brent Austin Rivera!
Br- what?!
Lm- get up here now!
Br- ok!
Brent runs up to Lexi's room
Lm- mister. Did you drive Lexi anywhere today?
Br- I drove her to the doctor and back to school. I mean she looked pretty pale and sick so I just thought that she wanted to get checked out
Lr- thanks for not asking questions Brent
Br- well you sounded urgent, so
Lm- your sister went to an abortion clinic
Br- hm? Oh she must've walked to the one next door. Wait your pregnant?
Lr- for now
Br- and your not keeping it? Whose is it?
Lr- Ben's
Br- oh shit
Lr- yeah
Lm- you never told me you and Ben had sex
Lr- well it wasn't willingly for me. And I already told you that part
Lm- so?
Lr- yes. The baby is the result of Ben raping me. That's why I'm getting an abortion. And I should still have the right to get an abortion even if it wasn't the result of being raped. It is my body by the way. Seems like everyone's forgetting that these days
Lm- what?
Lr- I mean your criticizing me for not wanting to have Ben's baby, Ben raped me, sofie and liv tried to changed my mind, which didn't work by the way
A- I am really sorry for how I acted earlier. And even though I don't really recall what I said, I hope that you know I would never do anything if you didn't give me permission to
Lr- thank you. But mom, I'm getting the abortion
Lm- I already cancelled it Alexa
Lr- wait what?
A- yeah no you can't do that
Lm- I wasn't talking to you Andrew
A- yeah but Lexi should be able to do this if she wants to. Hell she needs to. She shouldn't have to have a baby as a sophomore if she doesn't want to
Lm- don't you wanna have kids with her? Cause this could affect that
A- of course I do, but not if she doesn't. And we could always adopt of foster
Lm- yeah cause that always works out well. Get out mr Davila
A- what?
Lm- I said get out
Lr- he's not leaving
Lm- it's my house
Lr- yeah well it's my room. And as I recall, dad actually bought this house and pays for it, so you have no say
Lm- yeah well I'm the adult in this situation
Br- your not the only adult here. And I say Andrew stays. I'll call the clinic back right now
Lm- do that and your grounded for the year
Br- do it. I don't give a single fuck. I do however give a fuck about my sister who had the rights to her own fucking body
Lexi's dad comes up to the room
Ld- what is going on? I heard you guys yelling up here
Lr- mom cancelled a very important appointment of mine
Ld- Laura. Call them back
Lm- it was for an abortion
Ld- did I stutter? I sad call them back
Lm- I'm not doing that
Lexi's mom leaves the house and drives away
Lr- great
Ld- wait did she say abortion?
Lr- yeah yeah, I'm pregnant with Ben's baby and I'm getting an abortion because I can't be a mom yet and I'm definitely not carrying this baby
Ld- ok well I'm gonna go lie down because that was a lot to hear
Lr- yeah well it's a lot to go through
Ld- ok well, I'll call them back
Lr- no it's fine, I got it
Lexi's dad goes back downstairs
Br- I'm sorry about mom
Lr- it's not like it was your fault. But thanks for sticking up for me
Br- of course. And when you are ready to have a baby, I'll be by your side
Lr- thanks
Br- mhm
Brent goes back to his room and Lexi calls the clinic back
Nurse- hello
Lr- his this is ms Rivera from earlier
Nurse- oh yes. Do you still want to cancel your appointment?
Lr- no actually. Is it still scheduled for Wednesday at noon?
Nurse- as of now. We'll keep it on the board for you
Lr- thank you. And do you remember the call who cancelled it for me?
Nurse- I believe it was somebody's mom
Lr- yeah don't listen to her
Nurse- ok
Lr- speaking of Wednesday. Is there anything I need to do in order to prepare?
Nurse- I would just advise to bring somebody with you and stay home the rest of the day
Lr- ok. Thank you. I'll be there Wednesday then
Nurse- ok bye
Lr- bye
Lexi hangs up
A- so it's all good?
Lr- yep. Hey do you mind going with me?
A- yeah I'll go. Speaking of me going, I actually do gotta go. Coach just called a meeting for us to go over some game footage
Lr- ok. I'll se you tomorrow then
A- see you
Andrew kisses her and then rushes out. He comes back in for a sec
A- love you
Lr- love you too
Then Andrew rushes out again
Brent comes into her room
Br- what's he leaving for?
Lr- soccer
Br- oh. Hey you good?
Lr- yep. I'm probably just gonna watch some tv now
Br- ok. We'll let me know if you need anything
Lr- I will, thanks
Br- of course
Brent goes back to his room
Lexi gets a text from Olivia saying the dance coach wants them to meet up with her at the library for a study hall. She texts that she's on the way and then leaves. She gets to the library and sees everybody's cars there so she goes inside
Dt- so now that everybody is here. We need to address the fact that y'all's grades are dropping, rapidly. It's getting close to the end of the year so y'all need to get them grades back up
Lr- on it
O- yep
Dt- I know you two and Quinn are on it, even though Quinn is outta town right now. But I'm talking about the rest of y'all, and you two need to help them get their grades up before the year ends
Lr- mhmm
Dt- which is why I'm assigning both of y'all to the people whose grades are rapidly dropping. Lexi, you take gabby and Hailey. Olivia, your with everybody else until Quinn gets back and then I'll give some of them to her
Q- ok
Dt- now this was just to clear everything up. First actual study hall is Wednesday
Lr- ok
O- wait lex, don't you have that appointment Wednesday?
Lr- it's in the middle of the day, I should be back by then
Dt- what kind of appointment is it ms Rivera?
Lr- just a doctor checkup, routine
Dt- ok. Now get outta here you guys. And go home to study
H- got it
O- yep
R- I'm gonna
B- yeah I'm not so sure about that
Dt- yeah and that's why we're doing this study hall Brooke
B- exactly. I'll just study then
Everybody leaves and goes home. Lexi walks in and sees Brent waiting for her
Br- hey where'd you go?
Lr- dance. My dance teacher called a meeting for us at the library
Br- ok
Lr- why?
Br- no reason. I just wanted to see if had got any food I could steal from you
Lr- classic Brent. Well I'm just gonna head up to my room then
Br- ok
Lexi goes to her room and Brent watches her and then leaves
Lr- don't wanna know what that was about
She chills in her room for a half an hour and then Andrew calls her
Lr- hey
A- hey
Lr- what's up?
A- so you know the game on Thursday?
Lr- yeah
A- well it got moved to Wednesday. They moved it because there's supposed to be some bad weather Thursday and the field would be destroyed Friday, so they made it Wednesday
Lr- ok. Is it still at the same time?
A- yeah
Lr- then it shouldn't be a problem
A- well I know your supposed to rest after that appointment
Lr- yeah well I actually have to go back to school cause there's a study hall after school for the dance team. But I should still be able to come to your game
A- are you sure? I mean I don't want you doing too much afterwards
Lr- I'll be fine. I already looked it up and it's basically just period stuff
A- are you sure you'll be ok?
Lr- it sounds like you don't want me to come
A- of course I want you to come, I just don't want you hurting afterwards or something because you came to my game
Lr- it should be fine, ok. I'll see you at school tomorrow
A- ok. I love you
Lr- I love you too, bye
A- bye
Lexi hangs up
Her dad comes into the room
Lr- hey dad
Ld- hey lex
Lr- what's up?
She sits up in her bed and crosses her legs
Ld- I just wanted to know how life's going
Lr- besides the fact that Ben almost strangled the life out of me and mom wants me to carry his baby, then it's going great
She smiles sarcastically
Ld- I think your other just wants to make sure you want to do this. Because once you do this, there's no going back
Lr- to be honest, I'm kinda second guessing myself right now. I mean I still wanna do it, I just wanna make sure that this baby isn't gonna cure cancer or something
Ld- maybe, or they could end up killing someone. The truth is, you'll never know. I mean me and your mom never knew about you or your brothers. We just hoped for the best
Lr- yeah but you guys still did it
Ld- yeah cause we weren't in the same situation. I mean your still in high school, and how you got pregnant was not ideal at all. So I get why your doing it
Lr- then why doesn't mom?
Ld- I can't make excuses for her. But I do know that she just wants you to be happy and healthy, we both do
Lr- thanks dad
Lexi hugs him
Ld- mhm. Well I'm gonna go make dinner ok?
Lr- ok dad
Lexi's dad goes back downstairs
Brent comes back and goes up to his room
Lexi puts in her earbuds and listens to music while she does her homework for the next hour

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