00. Before

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Note: Just a little introduction before the true story begins...

Dream's POV 

"Am I in love with my best friend test?" Alright, I'll do it.



At this point the discord call had been active for over eight hours. George and I had been talking since the moment we woke up this morning. We've been on the same sleep schedule for months now, whether it was practical or not, we were finally in sync with each other's schedule.

We decided that since we were already on the phone, we might as well start our discord podcast the fans had been begging us to do for the past few days. It's obvious I wasn't in love with my best friend but there was no escaping the quiz since every message in the discord call was spamming me to take it. So I did.

"Do you ever catch yourself staring at your best friend?". The first question made me chuckle and George did the same. Considering the fact that we'd never met in person, one would assume the most obvious answer was no, but it's not. I can't say it out loud but there are multiple times where I've caught myself staring at George while watching his streams.

"I mean I- technically.. I feel like.. even with like.." I stuttered. No matter how hard I tried the words simply wouldn't come out. I took a moment to collect my thoughts before settling on "I'll put once in a while. Regardless, I feel like that'd be the same with like anybody. Right"? It came out with a tone of uncertainty; maybe that's because I was.

"Do you get jealous if he or she has a boyfriend or girlfriend"? It didn't take me long to think about this question. I knew the answer. "Well no.. BUT". George said "but" at the same time as I did, causing us both to laugh. He knows me too well. "It would be one of those things where it's like aw now he's gonna be spending time doing that instead of like with us". I added the word "us" to include Nick, knowing far too well that I'd feel instant jealousy if George spent time with anyone else other than me. But that's a feeling all close friends have. Isn't it?

"Do you ever think about your future together".

"YOU DO", George said, almost too quickly. "I mean, TECHNICALLY.. I mean COME ON" I said aloud. "Technically we do because we do everything together, a lot of my future is your future". I realized how crazy that sounded out loud. I glanced over at the chat to see it flooding with comments like "He's getting nervous" and "Dream just admit it". Admit what. There was nothing to admit.

I continued to answer the questions while listening to George's continuous laughter on the other end of the call. These questions were dumb, but they were entertaining.

I sat and waited for the next question to appear on the screen. The loading screen seemed to be taking longer this time.

"You are a little in love with your best friends". There was no warning. The results page popped up instantly and I read it aloud before comprehending it myself first. "You're in love with a few things about your best friend so it's possible that you'll fall entirely in love with them if things keep up the way they are right now. If you're worried they don't feel the same way, you'll have to find out a way to shut your feelings off, you don't wanna ruin what you have". The chat was going crazy. "Out of the percentage, it says 31% a little in love with your best friend, 29% on your way to being in love with your best friend, 33% totally in love with your best friend. It has 2% more". Interesting.

It was silent for a minute. For once in the past fifteen minutes I was actually processing what I was reading. "33% totally in love with your best friend", I read it over again in my head". "that's funny", I thought to myself.

"So what's another quiz I could do", finally breaking the silence over the discord call.





Writer's Note: 

Thank you so much to anyone who decided to give my story a chance! I haven't written in an incredibly long time so if it's bad I'm so sorry, I'm just doing this for fun. 

Thank you all once again. Hope you enjoyed! More to come :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2023 ⏰

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