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    In the twinkling of an eye, it is late autumn, and the red-dyed grass leaves are scattered all over the city of Xianyang. On the third floor of the attic of Shili Renjian, there are endless sounds of music, bells and drums. Fragrant wind, the man's laughter pierced through it, and after the wine glasses collided, he ordered people to continue to bring wine.

    The people who gathered here were some prominent and respected rich kids in the city, Young Master Ye was one of them, he picked up the peeled fruit and put it into his mouth with a lack of interest, chewing it for a while, and there was a handsome looking man standing beside him A well-behaved little girl with a little makeup on, the little girl looked at Young Master Ye hesitating to speak, but she didn't have the courage to go forward.

    Just now she wanted to go up to serve Young Master Ye, but he ruthlessly rejected her and reprimanded her for only being allowed to pour wine and fan the wind by the side, and she could not do anything else without the young master's orders.

    Young Master Ye has been getting better and better every day since he was taken back to Ye's house. His father and brother Rong Sheng are even happier than him. In the first few days before he came back, he held a big banquet every day for everyone to eat and drink. Just leave before dawn.

    If it wasn't for Young Master Ye who couldn't stand it, he thought it would be impossible for his master Ye to hold a banquet for a month.

    Everyone is surrounded by beauties, and Young Master Ye is all alone, so everyone will inevitably criticize him.

    "Mr. Ye, a moment of spring night is worth a thousand dollars. It is your fault for neglecting the beautiful woman next to you." "

    Yes, young master, look at Miss Yuxing's eyes. Both eyes will be glued to you. It's over."

    Hearing everyone's jokes, Ye Ruining had to turn his gaze to Miss Yu Xing.

    The children from rich families gathered tonight are still young, so the girls who are called to wait on them are all about the same age as them, pure and charming, with a pretty face and exquisite body. Warm fragrance, the breath inhaled into the lungs is soft and sweet.

    "Master Ye."

    Ye Ruining turned his head away, still not having the desire to hug a woman, he pushed the porcelain plate in front of him, and said to Miss Yu Xing: "Go ahead and peel the fruit for me, I don't think you all come here voluntarily to serve others , do you want to be like them, and you can only serve men in that way?"

    Xing Yu hesitated, not knowing that Young Master Ye would say such words to her.

    Most of these girls who entered the attic were not voluntary, and no one was forced by life. A good girl's family, who doesn't want to live a clean life, and find a good family to marry when they are old. They don't know anything when they enter the attic. After a long time, they have seen too many high-ranking officials and dignitaries. In the end even a heart changed.

    "Young master, do you think Xing Yu is not good at serving you, or should I ask my mother to give you another..."

    Ye Ruining said, "You can peel the fruit for me, and you will be the reward." He then ordered, "The fruit just now is too sweet. The teeth are greasy. You choose some for me again, it should be a little sour."

    Xingyu was puzzled, she tried one herself when she was washing the fruit just now, it was moderately sweet and sour, how could it be too sweet to make her teeth greasy. But she did as the young master told her, and Xing Yu quickly went down to re-select the fruit to wash, and the rich young master next to him kept counting him, saying that he would not be sympathetic.

    Ye Ruining snorted and said, "Don't be too indulgent, be careful that you will become weak early at a young age."

    The doctor often comes to check on Young Master Ye's health, and he knows a lot about some ways to maintain health. When he returns to the city this time, he His physical condition is getting better day by day, and there are more opportunities to go out, and he has to go out early all day long to make up for what he hasn't been able to see for more than ten years.

    Xing Yu will re-select the washed fruit and give it to Young Master Ye. Ye Ruining took a bite and frowned: "It's not sour enough, it's still too sweet." His reaction made a young master sitting next to him look

    , The other party jokingly said: "Young master Ye is pregnant? Why are you like those pregnant women, there are sour things." After hearing this,

    Ye Ruining put down the wine glass heavily: "You are talking nonsense! What kind of tongues are you chewing, and you compare me to a woman?"

    Seeing that Young Master Ye was about to quarrel, those rich men who were still hugging the beauties hurriedly let go of the people in their arms, and persuaded Young Master Ye not to get angry. It was just a joke, and they also dissuaded the other party in time. No more nonsense.

    Ye Xiaogong is notorious for his bad temper. The Ye family has a big business, and all the merchants want to flatter them to share some business. Ye Ruining has never shown up on these occasions before. He is the most beloved young master of the Ye family. The service is comfortable, maybe I will go back and say something nice in front of Ye Rongsheng, and I may not be sure when the business is in hand.

    After the banquet was over, Young Master Ye got into the carriage that the Ye family took him back to, with an uneasy expression on his face.

    The young master kept in mind the words that he was pregnant, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became. How could he be pregnant like a woman like a man? This is simply slander and nonsense!

    But, even so...

    When Ye Ruining returned to Ye's house, his father had already rested, and Ye Rongsheng was still talking about a big business with someone outside. After I was done, I went back to my room to take a shower.

    "You all go down, you are not allowed to come in without my master's order."

    Young master Ye took off his clothes, lowered his head and stared at the fleshy body that had grown up in front of his abdomen in recent days, his brows and eyes were full of melancholy.

    Mr. Ye found that he had gained weight, and only the flesh on his stomach had grown. He went out and walked more every day, thinking that the excess flesh on his stomach would disappear. Unexpectedly, he walked and ran for several days. , not only did his stomach not deflate, but he lost his appetite, and he just wanted to eat something sour.

    That unintentional joke popped into his mind, Ye Ruining shuddered, his black eyes widened, wondering if he was really pregnant and his belly was getting big?

    Young Master Ye was dazed by his own wild guesses. That night he had a dream. He was wearing loose clothes, his belly bulged into a high ball under the clothes, and a tall man was holding him. No matter how closely you look at it, you can't see his appearance clearly.

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