soulmate AU

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So i just kinda started writing and this happened I really don't know what to think of it

3rd person POV (i think) (I bet you didn't expect that)

Frederic watched as his daughter walked out of School. He saw her turn her head towards him and ran at him. "daddy!" she exclaimed happily

"Anne! there you are! how was your first day at School?"

"it was great! during lunch this blue cookie appeared on my hand look!" she thrust out her hand to show Frederic a blue cookie on the palm of her hand "and my Teacher told us about soulmate tattoos she said that my soulmate must like blue cookies"

"I'm sure he does. do you promise to show me anymore that show up?"

"I promise dad" she said as they started walking home "can we call Magnus later i want to show him?"

"of course Annabeth you can call aunt Natalie after we get home"

~~time skip brought to you by fly my friend's OC also still spam xflyx on scratch she said the movies where amazing~~

Annabeth had just picked up the tablet when she got a call from Natalie Chase she accepted the call and saw her cousin's face "Annabeth! Annabeth! Annabeth! Guess what!"

(ok just accidentally published this but that's fine i unpublished it)

"What is it Magnus?" Annabeth asked equally exited

"I got my first soulmate tattoo!"

"i did too!"

they both squealed for about 5 minutes while Frederic and Natalie shared knowing looks in the background of the screens

eventually Magnus said "what does yours look like? mine looks like this." Magnus handed the tablet to his mom and turned around and raised his hair up Annabeth saw two snakes intertwined one was pink and one was green

"wow yours looks cool! mine is just a blue cookie" she said and showed Magnus her palm

"i like that one it looks yummy i can't even see mine"

~~time skip a few years Annabeth now has a wave on her neck and Magnus now has a large variety of pink and green animals on his legs~~

"Well here we are you ready?"


Annabeth laughed "Magnus you have to stay positive you might meet your soulmate! how much do you want to bet that they're wearing pink and green?"

"You can't be talking Miss I'll never find him! how am I going to find a swimmer who likes blue cookies?"

"Ugh just come on we have to go to the main cabin so we can know our cabins I'll see you at dinner ok?"

"Ok yeah let's go"

They walked into the big cabin painted blue (I really couldn't think of anything else but that means our favorite Italian bean is here with his sunshine *wiggles eye brows* (jk I can't do that))

"Ok my name is Mr. Brunner and if you break any rules you will have to wash dishes after meals for a few days ok?"

"Ok!" The whole room said in more or less unison

"Ok now that we have that cleared up I will read out the cabin placements. Cabin 1 Jason , Thalia, Annabeth and Bella if you are in Cabin 1 please go over there now I trust you can show Annabeth and Bella the way Thalia" (just-just ignore the fact that Jason is the only boy there)

"You got it Mr. Brunner!" Thalia said cheerfully and grabbed a tall blonde blue eyed kid's arm and pulled him over to the exit "ok Annabeth and Leo please come over here me and Jason will show you around"

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