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Y/n is in his room meditating  until flashes of his past appear in his mind. Fire surrounds him.

Y/n shoots awake at the sound of a knock. Y/n gets up off the floor and answers the door.sweat is all over his forehead.

Human torch: Hello?

Raven:  Hey, you okay,

Human torch: Yeah, I'm fine. Is there something you need?.

Raven: we have an uninvited guest in the tower.

Human torch: How'd they get in.

Y/n goes into the hall and sees a woman with black hair and similar clothing to Starfire.

Y/n sets his head on fire and walks up to her.

Torch: What are you doing in our tower.

Blackfire: I'm just here waiting for my dear sister.

Robin, beast boy, cyborg, and starfire walk into the main room.

Starfire: Sister, is that you

Blackfire: Hi dear sister

Starfire: it is you. Oh, how good it is to see you.

Blackfire: I have a gift for you, sister

Blackfire gives starfire a necklace with a green gem, which she puts around her neck.

Robin: Torch, you not gonna deflame?

Human Torch: No, I'm not

Blackfire: Torch huh so you must be the new guy starfire has talked a bit about you. So that must mean your robin ( points at Robin). Your beast boy( points at Beast Boy). Cyborg ( points to cyborg), and you must be Raven (points to Raven).


Human torch: The team has grown interested in blackfire and her adventures. Everyone but me. I don't trust her.

Y/n sees Starfire upset as she leaves the tower as he follows after her.

Starfire is about to fly off when y/n catch up to her.

Human Torch : Starfire, wait

She stops and turns around

Human torch: Where are you going

Starfire: I am leaving the team. They prefer blackfire over me.

Human torch: but I don't want you to leave. I prefer you over your sister.

Starfire: You dont have to lie

Human Torch : I'm not lying. Stay

Starfire: Okay,  I'll still stay until it's clear I'm not wanted.

We both go downstairs

Blackfire: Hey, you two, we are going dancing.

Later at night, we arrive at the nightclub.

The team went to the dance floor as y/n stays off to the side .

Y/n sees starfire getting sad and flies away as y/n follows after her.

Human torch: Starfire ?

Starfire: Why are you following me

Human torch: cause I'm your friend

As we are talking, starfire is taken by probes. Without hesitation, y/n flies after her covering myself in flames.

In the skylight, Beast boy sees y/n flying, chasing after something

Beast boy: Guys, I think stars are in trouble.

The team runs to the roof to help and sees Y/n trying to burn through the robot. Until blackfire throws energy blasts destroying the probe.

Human torch: Star you okay?

Star: Thank you for trying to help. You truly are a friend.

Robin: How did you know where to throw

Blackfire: I got lucky

Y/n narrows his eyes, knowing she's lying.

Cyborg: we need that kind of luck on the team. wanna join?

Starfire is shocked and saddened as she decides she's going to leave earth.

Y/n appears next to her, hoping to change her mind.Until she's grabbed and put onto an alien ship.

Y/n flies through the ship, freeing starfire as the rest of the team arrives.

The alien reveals themselves as police who are after a temmanian fugitive from the centauri moons

Starfire: I am tamaranian, but I haven't been to the centauri moons

Robin looks at Stars' neck and peices it together. He takes the necklace and returns it.

Robin: You're after the wrong girl

Human Torch: Blackfire, I knew she couldn't be trusted.

We see Blackfire trying to fly away as starfire angrily flies after her sister and beating her in a fight.

Blackfire is arrested and taken off world.

Starfire: Even after everything, I was happy to see my sister again.

Human torch: Will you stay?.

Starfire: Yes, I will stay. Thank you for saving with me.

Human torch: I'm just lucky I can keep up with you, haha.

Robin: We're sorry, star, we should have been better teammates and friends.

Starfire: What's done is done.we can only move forward.

Human Torch: Let's go home.

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