The Eliminator V. The Wonder Ball

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I'd like to say that Emmett didn't leave my mind until I saw him again, but in all honestly I hadn't thought about him until I saw him at some fight my friend dragged me to, five years later, I'm not going to lie, I barely remember the actual evening, the whole night is a series of singular events, but I'm going to try and retell what I remember to my wonderful audience.

The room was completely black apart from the single lamp, illuminating the makeshift ring, a thin fleece surrounded by rope, connected by fold up chairs, In opposing corners there is a red and blue flag. Me and Tobias make our way to the centre, pushing past the crowds to stand in front of the rope.

"Stay here, I mean it Esme, Don't move" Tobi shouts over the thumping music, "I'm going to go get some drinks"

I nod, eyes fixed on the ring, waiting for the announcement, the music cuts off and is replaced by a deep voice, "In the red Ozzy 'The Eliminator' Williaaaamsss!" A large man saunters through the crowd, he was bare chested, his torso was marked with an intricate tribal design. "In the blue corner, Emmett 'The Wonder ball' Briscoooommmmbbeee!" I look around, waiting for the inevitable parting of the crowds, but instead a figure beside me started to walk forwards, pushing into the ring before removing a strangely familiar hoodie, the muscles on his back rippling as he pulls his vest off, he kicks his shoes off revealing his bare feet, he turns to grin at the crowd, Its him, the man from the street corner, I never thought I'd see him again, his eyes meet mine, realisation clear on his face, his grins widens, he does a slight wave before turning to his opponent. Tobi returns to my side, a bottle in each hand, I blindly take the drink from him, my eyes never leaving Emmett.

I don't remember the fight exactly, I remember the way 'the eliminator' fell to the floor, the way Emmett wiped the blood from his hand with a dirty rag handed to him by a man on the sidelines, I remember how he turned to me and mouthed the words, 'Stay There', How I silently nodded in agreement.

"What was that about?" Tobi questions, nodding at Emmett's retreating back

"He just wants to talk" I turn to him, finally drinking from the bottle he handed to me forty-five minutes ago, "He's an old friend"

"An older friend than me" He raises his eyebrows at me, "We've been friends since diapers and I've never heard you mention anyone called 'the wonder ball'?"

"You don't know all my friends Tobi" I roll my eyes, a hand squeezes my shoulder, I spin to see Emmett's face grinning down at me, "Hey"

"Hi little misses" He nods a greeting to Tobi "So what's a little lady like you doing at a place like this?"

"Well this isn't exactly my scene but I couldn't let my best friend here come alone" I elbow Tobi in the ribs

"And here I was thinking I was your best friend" he smirks down at me, he wipes a fake tear away "I am heartbroken little misses, heartbroken"

"Oh I am ever so sorry Mr. Wonder ball" I roll my eyes playfully, "How will I ever make it up to you?"

"Hmm" He strokes his chin laughing silently "Well seeing as I still technically owe you for the tea so... I guess I'll let you off"

"How generous of you" I wink, "So what are you doing now?"

"Hmm, going to go get some free drinks then finding a nice comfy corner and sleep" He shrugs smiling at us

"Well me and Tobi were going to go back to mine to watch some cheesy movies, if you want to come that is" I throw a diminutive smile at him, "Come on, got to be better than sleeping in a corner"

He chuckles, "Well you've successfully twisted my leg little misses" he glances at Tobi, "If that alright with you?"

"Yeah it's cool" Tobi mumbles almost inaudibly

"Alright then, just let me grab my backpack, I'll meet you by the door yeah?" He motions to the heavy fire exit at the back of the building


We're sitting in my front room, Tobi and Emmett sitting on the opposite sides of the sofa, separated by me.

"I'm just going to run and get changed," I turn to Tobi and mouth 'be nice'

I run up the stairs, poking my head into my brothers' room, "You want to come watch a movie with us?"

"What you watching?" Asked Mac his eyes never leaving the TV

"I don't know yet, I'm gonna get changed and then we're gonna pick something"

"Who's with you?" Ian actually makes eye contact with me, "the girls?"

"Nah Tobi and Emmett," I close their door and go into my own room, I quickly change into a pair of leggings and an old jumper and run back down to find the boys sitting in silence "Mac and Ian may come down for the movie"

"Whose Mac and Ian?" Emmett speaks for the first time since we left the bar

"My brothers" I settle between them, "So, what do you want to watch?"

"We're watching The Children" Ian waves the DVD at us, his gaze turns to Emmett "Who are you"

After a few seconds of silence I answer for him, "Emmett Briscombe"

"Whatever" Mac opens a can of Thatchers and throws himself into the arm chair "Just put the movie in already"


Almost half an hour into the movie, I feel a hand on my leg, I turn to Emmett to see him watching the screen with nothing but a smirk giving his deviance away, I roll my eyes and continue watching the movie


The movie finally ends and we put South Park on, Emmett's hand still tracing spirals into my skin, Tobi has long fell asleep and the boys have retired to their room, leaving me with Emmett, I turn to him, the TV creating an almost hypnotising display of colour on his cheeks

"Your staring Little Misses" He chuckles at some joke from Cartman

"Right," I divert my gaze back to the TV, "Sorry"

"It's alright" He grins in my direction,

"I'm just gonna grab a couple of duvets" He nods vaguely, engrossed in the cartoon

I get two duvets from the airing cupboard and get the pillows from my bed.

I wrap one of the duvets around Tobi, propping his head up with a pillow and handing the other Emmett, I settle back into my seat and lay the duvet over both of us

A 'Thank you little misses' is whispered into the dark

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2015 ⏰

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