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(Hui's Pov)

Standing behind the scenes of a music video we're filming I'm observing my members silently when I feel something run into my legs. Looking down in confusion I'm surprised when I see a small red panda hybrid toddler on the ground his little lip starting to quiver I immediately panicking. I quickly kneel down in front of him and coo in a soft voice. "Shh it's okay you're okay little one. Look silly face." I quickly make a funny face and he seems to calm down giggling softly. I smile feeling relieved that I avoided a crying incident and I look down at the little boy curiously. "Where did you come from little one?" He just smiles up at me then holds his arms up I gently picking him up and settling him on my hip. "We should probably find your parents." I look around trying to see if anyone is looking panicked or running around searching for something. Coming up empty I frown then spot a friend of mine who helps with makeup and styling I heading over to her quickly. "Maya noona do you know anyone who would be missing a little boy who's a red panda hybrid?" She turns to me with a raised eyebrow before she spots the toddler in my arms recognition showing in her eyes. "Oh that's Martin's boy. He helps make or organize the sets for the idols music videos. Knowing him he should be behind set either around the snack table or organizing some of the props in the way back." I nod thanking her then head for the snack table first not seeing anyone then head to the back where Maya said a room was I stepping through the doorway to see a young man organizing different props and items I noticing his nose wrinkle a little. He's so focused that he doesn't even notice me until the little boy cries out happily. "Baba!" The man seems to snap out of his thoughts because he turns around quickly only to pause when he sees me. I stare for a moment once he turns around his striking features shocking me because of how beautiful he is appearance wise. Snapping out of it when the little boy starts to squirm I gently setting him down he toddling over to his father I quickly explaining. "I found him on set when he ran into my legs and I tracked you down so I could get him back to you." He kneels down picking the tiny little boy up then looks at me with a kind smile. "Thank you for bringing him to me I wasn't thinking and should have kept the door closed." He then looks down at the little boy with a stern look. "As for you mister you need to stop running off. Now what do we tell the nice man Jaeho?" He looks at me with a bright smile calling out cheerfully struggling to say a few of the words. "Tank you for helpings me!" I smile softly at him my heart aching from his cuteness. "You're welcome Jaeho." I then look back at the boys father I looking curious. "So how do you like working with the company so far? Martin right?" He gives a small smile and nods. "Yes my name is Martin. And I really like it here everyone is so nice and it's a better place than where I previously lived in China." I frown slightly but decide not to comment because I know he probably doesn't want to talk about it. "That's good you like it here and it's really nice to meet you. I'm Hui by the way." He smiles at me his dark brown eyes sparkling. "I know. I hear about your group a lot at home. Anyways you should probably head back to your music video set before they start to search for you in a panic." I feel a slight disappointment fill me but I know he's right so I nod and give him a kind smile. "It was nice meeting you maybe I'll see you around the company." His smile wobbles a little making him look nervous for a moment but he quickly puts a smile back on his face. "Maybe you never know. Say goodbye Jaeho." Jaeho smiles at me and waves his tiny hand. "Bye bye!" I smile softly telling him goodbye I looking at Martin one last time before I leave.

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