(26) Madison Relapsed

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Two weeks later,

Madison found out Melody's baby was going to be a girl, and Meredith was planning a Breakfast at Tiffany's baby shower. She drove Liam over to Bucky's. 

She knocked on the door, and Bucky answered with his shirt unbuttoned and pants undone. 

"Madison? What are you doing here?" He said 

"Here take him." She said 

"Mads,first Viv is here and secondly Im on call this weekend." He said 

"Just take him okay?" She said as tears formed. 

"Mads I can't tonight.." he said but she just walked off. 

"MADISON!" He yelled as she got in her car. 

When she got back to her place, she texted Bella who was now a lawyer. 

"I love you best friend, thank you for always being my person. Don't forget me okay?" 

She snorted some pills, drank a bottle of Crown Royal. She punched her mirror and used a shard ro slice her wrists and filled her tub up. She got into the water snorted more pills off the side of tje tub and finished off the Crown. 

When Bella got the text she immediately called Melody.

"Mel something is wrong." Bella said 

"What do you mean?" Mel said 

"I just got a weird text from Madison. And Im worried." Bella said then she told her what it said.

Melody immediately hung up,and called Bucky. 

"Hey, Mel have you heard from your sister. She showed up her dropped off Liam knowing Im oncall and Viv was here. She won't answer her phone." He said 

"No but her best friend Bella, just called and said she got a text from her that is weird it almost sounds like a goodbye text. Do you think you could meet us over there?" Melody said 

"Yeah, yeah I can I'll drop him off at my mom's." He said and hung up. 

He dropped Liam off at Winnie's, and met Melody and Bella. Melody intoduced Bella as they wemt inside. 

"Madison?" Melody said as they went inside. 

"Mads come on chicka this isn't funny." Bella said as they went upstairs. 

They went into the bedroom, and into the bathroom where they saw her hand hanging on the side as blood dripped. Blood everywhere on the floor, Bella and Melody screamed as Bucky quickly pulled her out of the bloody water. 

"Mads darlin..come on baby wake up." He said 

Bella called 911 as he began CPR. Melody tried to remain calm as she paced in the bedroom. Bella saw the pill bottle. 

"Oh Mads no..why did you relapse? We were doing so good." She whispered as she heard Melody let the EMTS in. They rushed her to the ER, and Bucky and the girls followed. They got her stitched up, and admitted to the pysch floor. 

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