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"Come on Pepper, we're going to be late" I shouted, calmly through our hallway whilst slipping my shoes on.

She come toddling down the hallway towards me, her arms in the air and a giant smile on her face. Her curly, sandy, blonde pigtails swaying side to side. I can't ever hold back the smile on my face every time I set my eyes on her, or the joy that little human fills my entire body with.

"Time to put your coat on, mama has to go to work" I tell her, pulling the jacket over her right arm before twirling her round and pulling it over her left.
Kneeling down in front of her, I zip her jacket up as it's a little windy out today. I grab my keys and check my phone before shoving them both into my coat pocket, I reach for Pepper's nursery bag and sling it onto the handle of her pram before lifting her up and strapping her in safely.
We leave the house and I lock the door behind me, I smile at our neighbour before hurrying off down our street as not to be late today. It doesn't take too long to get to Pepper's nursery from where we live but I then have to take a 30 minute bus to get to my work, although my boss is understanding of my situation, it doesn't look great coming in most days 5 minutes after my shift should have started.

I wave goodbye to Pepper at her nursery room door, she squeals running off towards the toys without giving me a second glance. I love that she enjoys nursery, but it also makes me sad seeing her grow up and not need my full comfort 24/7.
I check the time and rush out the exit, I pick up my pace making sure I don't miss the next bus. Once I arrive at the bus stop there is a older man sat waiting inside and a teenage girl in her school uniform, she's pacing whilst continuing what looked like a very intense conversation on her phone. After a couple of minutes pass by I check the time again and realise the bus must be running late. Great. I'm going to be late, again.

The bus eventually turns up, almost 6 minutes late. I quickly get on, taking a seat in the middle of the bus, I pull out my headphones and block out the world. Although I'm running late, the journey seems to fly by and before I know it I'm pressing the buzzer to get off at the next stop. I shove my headphones into one pocket and my phone into the other, I thank the driver and race towards work. I push open the door and the bell rings above it.

"Wren, you're late!" Lena shouts, her tone panicked. "Quickly run in the back and hang your coat up, table 3 needs serving"

I rush into the back throwing my coat onto the hanger, I snatch an apron from off one of the pegs. Tying it into a bow behind me I practically run back out to the front, making sure to take the pen and pad off Lena as I go passed. I smile at her mouthing a thank you as I make my way to table 3.

"Hi and welcome to The Little Acorn Café, my name is Wren. What can I get you today" I say cheerfully clicking the top of my pen ready to write down their order.

After about 50 minutes it's calmed down a bit after the early morning rush, I seem to have a hand on things as I finally go over to talk to Lena. She throws a towel onto her shoulder and leans on the counter near me.

"What happened, Pepper sleep in?" She asked.

I shook my head, "No, no the bus turned up a little later than expected. I managed to get Pepper up, ready and at nursery on time"

"Well you know Hazel won't mind, as long as you're here safely and everyone got served" she smiles.

Hazel, my boss. She's owned this business for 32 years, she always says because she wasn't able to have children of her own it's practically he baby. She's been great with me ever since I first walked in here. I was 19 pregnant, scared and alone, with nothing and no one. I will always be so grateful to her for all she did for me back then, Pepper and I wouldn't be in the position we are today without her. She took us in when we had no one else, she became like a grandmother figure to Pepper.
As for Lena she was already working here before me, ever since my first day she's been my best friend through everything. Working in The Little Acorn was like working with family we've all known each other for so long, we all basically know everything about each other.

"Lena, are you still okay to watch Pepper tonight?" I asked

She mouthed to me that a customer just come in and nodded her head confirming our plans tonight, I smiled at her before going over to the couple that just sat down.
Lena plays the roll of fun, crazy, auntie to Pepper. She occasionally looks after her for me on days I have to work a bit later, she picks her up from nursery and either takes her to her house or mine for the night. Once I take the order and pass it over the counter to Lena.

"I'll take Pepper to mine tonight, she hasn't stayed over in a while. You can have a well deserved lay in on your day off tomorrow." She smiles at me, I feel so lucky to have these people in my life.

"Thank you Lena" I breathe a sigh of relief at the thought of not having to get up early and rush again around tomorrow.

"Just a heads up for you" she bites her lip nervously before continuing, "he came in again last night"

"Did he say anything?" I wondered

"He just asked if you where working, I just said no, I didn't engage with him in conversation. He kind of took the hint and left after about 15 minutes"

"So chances are he's going to be back in tonight while I'm here." I groaned, I'm not in the mood for his shit tonight.

"LENA, orders ready!" a shout comes from the kitchen.

"Don't take any shit from him Wren" she points at me while headed to pick the order up from the hatch.

Well looks like it's going to be a long night for me, I just really hope he doesn't cause a scene of he comes back in.

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