r e a l i t y

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draco dashed over to his phone when he saw hermione face timing him.

he accepted, and her face came into view.

"mione! hey!" he said casually.

"hey, blondie! how's your day been?" she asked with a smile.

"great. you?"

"it's been good! i miss new york though." she said, laying down on her bed.

"how're cedric and fred?" draco asked.

"pretty good. it's nice seeing them, though fred being there was certainly a surprise."

draco laughed. "i miss you."

she stuck her bottom lip out in a pout. "aw, i miss you too, blondie."

"i have something to tell you when you come back, by the way."

"aw, you're going to make me wait?"

draco chuckled. "yes, i'm going to make you wait."


"where are you at?"

"romania." she said with a grin.

"ooo, that's cool. i've always wanted to go there."

"we should go sometime together."

"we should." draco agreed.

"how are blaise and ginny?" hermione asked with a smirk.

"good. i think being together has been helping them since your departure."

"aw, i'm glad they found comfort in each other. they hadn't talked much since the club."

"ah, yes, when you got so drunk you couldn't even remember your own name."

hermione groaned. "don't remind me."

draco laughed.

"i have to go, but i'll see you in a couple of days?" hermione said.

draco's heart fell, but he remembered that he'd see her in a couple of days. "yeah, see you then!"

"you're the only one picking me up at the airport, right?"

"yeah, unless you want someone else?"

"no!" hermione said quickly. "just you."


"love you, blondie," hermione said.

"love you too, bookworm," he said, his heart doing summersaults, even though hermione meant it in a friend way.

she kissed the camera and hung up.

draco flopped down on his bed. he promised himself he'd tell her he liked her too much when she came home.

just a couple more days.

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