Birth of a True Hero!

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       "Hahahaha you a hero? You're nothing but a quirkless piece of trash! Give up boy you couldn't ever be a hero in a billion years." Those words escaped the lips of the Number One Hero All Might. He stood on a Rooftop with a small green haired boy he just saved. Not caring if the boy was his kid or not. In a world ruled by born powers inherited from ones family and taking root by the time of their fourth birthday called quirks.....this young boy lost the lottery and was born bereft of a quirk.

     All Mights booming laughter receding as he exited the roof. The young boy who wept harder than any time before walked to the edge. Memories of his life that once was happy played in his head. "D-Dammit Izuku....y-you knew all a-along th-this was the undeniable t-truth. I-Idiot how d-did you e-ever e-expect different!" He wailed as his body trembled with the mournful sobs he emitted. Yet what the world would soon discover shook it to its core. This 12 year old boy was about to unleash a rage against his tormentors and villains worldwide that was akin to an apocalypse

      Izuku sobbed hurting more than any of his daily beatings ever could. How horrid his life had become since his diagnosis. Only a handful of people even treated him as a human. Most of his friends abandoned him only to become his biggest tormentors. His sister and only one their friends still try and defend him and help him treat his injuries. His mother doesn't know of his pains. He couldn't hurt her by telling her the truth. He made his sister vow to never tell her or his aunts. Hell even his father abuses him for the exact same reason. When around Inko and his aunts everyone puts on an act of love and care for Izuku. But the moment they're gone the demons come out.

    Hell not long before All Might said those words to little Izuku he had been suicide baited by his one time best friend. "If you want a quirk deku there is a way.....wanna know it?" Said his former friend Kacchan raising little Izuku's Hope. Only to crush it in an instant. "Jump off the roof and pray for one in your next life!" He cackled with his bitch of a sister Caitlin and their pathetic excuses for friends Shoto Todoroki, Tenya Ida, Denki Kaminari, and Minoru Mineta. They each took shots in ways to tell the boy how to kill himself. Now alone on this rooftop Izuku Yagi stands. Trembling like a leaf in a storm as tears fell. " would be so easy." He said as his minds full of dark thoughts. Of pain and hell. Of the lost love he once had for and from his friends and father Toshinori Yagi. He raised a foot and held it over the edge. About to take that last step. Before his mind fills with the ones he loves and love him in turn. "I c-can't...It would break them!" He shouts in his despair. He grabs his bag and runs off. Off to home with his eyes like cascading waterfalls of tears.

     It doesn't take him long to get there. He flings the door open and rushes past the kitchen sobbing he runs into his room slamming his door. He failed to notice the four shocked women at the table. Their words lost to him. His mother gets up slowly as the others watch on each with fear for what caused the adorable ball of sunshine and eternal smile to react like that. They never saw him affected by anything like this did except the day he received his diagnosis

     Inko knocked on his door and opened it. Inside was the boy shaking as tears fell. Her heart broke for her son. She went to him and hugged him. But what happened scared her. He flinched back. Recoiling as if he was hit by a brand. His eyes filled with fear and despair. "Izu-Izuku? Wh-What's wrong honey?" She barely manages to ask with a lump in her throat. What she and his aunts learned shocked them to their cores. For the first time in his life Izuku told them everything. Every pain, every threat, every action used against him due to his quirklessness.  The aunts heard it all as Mitsuki and Rei were furious for their children doing what Izuku told them. They knew he wasn't lying. He'd never invent stories like what he told. But worst yet....what he showed them. He took off his uniform top and undershirt to reveal for the first time the massive scarring on his body. Even Nemuri a pro hero was made sick by what she saw and heard. By the time Izuku finished telling them his story Nemuri contacted her best friends and Nezu. Mitsuki and Rei got ahold of their husbands and kids. Inko called her husband furious beyond belief. No one hurt her kids and gets away with it. She may not have the strength to match Enji or Toshinori but the mother terrified them all. Now her wrath has been unleashed and come hell or highwater they will suffer.

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