r e a l i t y

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hermione walked out the airport doors, scanning for a platinum blonde.

she saw him, dropping all her luggage and ran toward him, wrapped her arms around his neck, and legs around his waist.

he hugged her back just as tight, spinning her around.

"it's been too long." hermione said, burying her face in draco's neck, inhaling his scent.

he smiled against the crook of her neck. "too long. never again."

"never again," hermione agreed.

they let go of each other. draco got hermione's luggage in the car.

"what did you want to tell me now?" hermione asked.

"uh, well," draco stuttered. he had rehearsed a speech, but he forgot it all that moment.

"well, i had a speech planned out, but i forgot it, so i guess i'm doing this the hard way. hermione," draco took her hands, which were freezing from the new york wind. "i love you. i have for a while. i liked you from the moment i saw you at Hogwarts. when i was with millie, i thought those feelings left, but then we ran into each other, and they all came crashing down. i knew i couldn't just stop loving you, not when i'd loved you for seven years. hermione, i want to be yours, and i want to call you mine."

the second draco finished, hermione's lips crashed onto his.

"i love you too, draco. i'm yours, and you're mine."

draco smiled, and kissed her back.

they pulled away after a couple of seconds.

"can we keep this a secret for a bit? i'm still adjusting to new york again, and i don't know if i can handle all the energy i'll get from everyone if i announce we're together."

draco kissed hermione on the nose, and cupped her face in his hands. "of course, love."

"also, i have another thing to tell you," draco said.

hermione nodded, encouraging him to go on.

"at the club that night...you didn't just tell me you broke up with ron. you told me you liked me in third year. and the only reason why you went to the yule ball with viktor krum was to make me jealous."

hermione put her hands over her face. "god, that's so embarassing." 

draco pulled her hands away from her face and kissed her. "i told you you'd succeeded." 

"i don't deserve you, blondie." 

draco pulled her into his lap. "no, i don't deserve you."

"as much as i love kissing you, and now have the freedom to do so, this position is very uncomfortable in a car. cedric already damaged my back, and the wheel for the car is doing the same."

draco chuckled, and let her slide back into the passenger seat. 

"ready to see everyone?" 

hermione thought about it for a moment. "not really."

"want to go get something to eat?" 

"im not really hungry. can we just find an empty parking lot and talk?" 

draco smiled. "of course. the temptation to kiss you might be very high." 

hermione smirked. "oh, i plan on it." 

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