you watch a scary movie - H.S.

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After waiting to be noticed by your high school crush , Harry styles finally asked you out.

Arriving at Harry's house for the first time , you felt your hands starting to sweat and your legs beginning to shake.

You wore a normal white tank top , grey Cardigan , tights and your white converse.

As you knocked on the door , you heard a pan drop.

You waited 5 minutes before you heard some shuffling and then the door swung open making you jump a bit.

'Hiya love , sorry about that , please come inside." Harry said before stepping aside for you to walk in.

He lead you into the kitchen , where you smelt the most devine aromas in your entire life.

"Are you cooking?" You asked softly.

"Yes I am , I hope you like pasta?" He asked

"Love it , it smells devine." You said shyly.

"Thanks , I love cooking."

You were very surprised to have this coming from the school main man.

"Really? I love cooking too." You said , starting to warm up to Harry.

"That's great , then you wouldn't mind being the judge tonight?"

You walked over to the pot of food being cooked.

"May I?" You asked , pointing at the food.

He hands you a fork and you take a bit into your mouth , letting the flavours explore every taste bud.

"Harry , this is amazing." You say wide eyed.

"So I've won you over." He asked , wiggling his eyebrows.

"Not just yet." You say.

You felt so happy to be this close to him , to finally have a full on conversation.

He started adding spices into the pot then he looked like he remembered something.

He looked around the kitchen then finally his eyes landed on something behind you.

The pepper.

He smirked while picking you up by the waist and setting you on the counter , causing you to blush really hard.

You felt embarrassed as you felt the heat rush to your cheeks , causing you to use your hands to cover them.

Harry started to chuckle.

Oh that sweet , melodic chuckle.

"Your cute when you blush Y|N." He said smirking.

"Not funny Harold." You said , glaring at him.

When the food was finally done he helped you down from the counter and lead you to a gorgeous dining room table where he sat next to you.

You started eating your pasta , enjoying every bit.

When you both had finished your food , you grabbed yours and Harry's plate and walked to the kitchen to wash them.

You didn't like it when you sat there watching people wash their dishes when they had already done so much work to make you happy so you started to rinse them off before you felt a pair of hands grip your waist and a chin rest itself on your shoulder.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked in a deep , sexy voice.

"Washing the dishes Harold." You said confidently even though the butterflies were going crazy in your stomach just from his hands.

"We have a movie to watch miss Y|S|N (your surname.)." He said.

"What movie?" You asked.

"Annabelle." He said in a naughty tone.

"Yeah , I'm going to continue washing dishes." You said anxiously.

"Nope." He said before picking you up bridal style and carried you to his room upstairs.

He placed you on his bed and jumped on the opposite side.

"Harry , please." You whined.

He didn't reply , only placed his arm around you , making you blush and thank the heavens that the room was dark.

You sat there awkwardly while the menu popped up.

He pressed play , making you feel even more anxious than what you already were.

Later on in the movie , when a scary part came , you jumped and ducked under the blanket.

Harry noticed this and started giggling.

He pulled you closer , making your stomach do some flips.

"Your so cute." He said kissing your cheek.

Before you could reply , he kissed you full on the lips.

You loved how your lips were a perfect mold against his , he ended up smiling into the kiss , leaving you thinking that this was the best night of your life.

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