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Silent screams were becoming the new normal for a certain pair, they had been best friends since they were toddlers, joined at the hip from the day they had met, fourteen years later and nothing had changed between Masie McCall and Stiles Stilinski

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Silent screams were becoming the new normal for a certain pair, they had been best friends since they were toddlers, joined at the hip from the day they had met, fourteen years later and nothing had changed between Masie McCall and Stiles Stilinski. Of course, Scott was included in their group but it didn't mean that he had the same relationship with Stiles as his sister did. With Masie, their friendship was easy and comfortable, they both could relate to each other.  With Scott it was almost like their relationship was forced, a competition to see who was better, which turned even worse when he got bitten.

From the night of the first howl to now, everything was the same, but yet different. Masie's and Stiles' life was so similar it was as if they were living the same. It was the main reason they were able to understand each other so well.

With Stiles, once his mother died, that's when his father was gone and he was now living with a stranger called Noah. Stiles could remember the look on his at the funeral and that's when he knew things would never be the same.

With Masie, her father would always drink too much, and often shout and scream or even slap her sometimes but nothing was done, Melissa would just watch and let it happen, until the incident with her brother Scott. That's when Melissa decided Rafe needed to leave but the look in her eyes was never directed at her husband. It was all at Masie.

Hatred and blame were the looks in both Noah and Melissa's eyes and their treatment of that kids only got worse as the years went by.

Masie and Stiles always pushed through the pain of never being good enough for their parents, it wasn't the best, but they just had to wait until they were eighteen when they had planned to leave Beacon Hills and find a better life together.

But that never happened. An incident. That ruined the mask that everyone wore around the duo, they just didn't bother hiding their hatred anymore. Instead, Masie and Stiles were blamed. Shunned. Kicked out. For something that was out of their control and was still accused.

Both were already suffering from the events that happened before the accident, but nobody cared. They couldn't even process their own thoughts or feelings on the matter with the others constantly shoving their own anger onto them.

They knew they needed something to change, to happen. But they just never expected the people who were supposed to care and love them to do something so horrific.



"Urghh my god. Don't hate me for this!" Stiles mumbles before taking a deep breath, and rasing his hand.


Maise shoots up for Stiles' bed, she had been practically living there since how bad their nightmares got, they needed each other to get through most nights.

"What the hell!" Masie whisper and shouts towards a sheepish Stiles who drapped the blanket off her and threw her over his shoulder.

"No time to talk. We got to go now!" Stiles states seriously, grabbing the key's for his jeep from his bedside table.

"What's going on?" Masie questions knowing that something must of happened between the pack or Noah for his serious expression.

Stiles sighs "I'll explain in the Jeep." With her still over his shoulder, he walks down his stairs, ignoring the calls from his father and walking out of the house.

"Stiles? Noah's actually talking to you?" Maise asks surprised, getting into the passenger seat of the Jeep.

Stiles ignores her questions and gets into the Jeep himself and starts driving which made Masie realize that whatever happened was probably the worse their fights have ever gotten. Knowing he might need the silence before he explains she gently places her hand on his and gives it a tight squeeze.

Ten minutes had gone by with Stiles driving with no destination in mind he sees the goodbye Beacon Hills sign making his tense posture slowly become undone.

"I'm sorry for scaring you like that M" Stiles glances at her before looking back at the road. "And for the red mark on your cheek."

Masie looks towards him "Don't worry, I trust your stiles, I would always trust your judgment and in this case, you clearly think that we aren't safe in Beacon Hills anymore."

"Definitely not safe" Stiles mutters "Did you ever wish that Melissa would change her behaviour?"

Masie wasn't uncomfortable about Stiles's question, they often had conversation about their parents and what it would have been like if they were different.

"At first, I thought if I got good grades, did my chores, and helped around the house she would actually see me as her daughter. But it never changed" Masie explains looking out the window. "As I got older, I realized that she actually thought her behaviour was fine. That's when I stopped trying  because she wasn't going to change no matter what I did."

"We are always going to be guilty in their eyes," Stiles says sadly.

"To everyone. We will always be guilty." Masie adds squeezing Stiles's hand again.

"They were going to send us to Eichen House." Stiles confesses quietly. He had to tell her why they were leaving, it wasn't fair for her to not know what her mother was planning.

"My mom....and your dad..." Masie trails off, she had a feeling that whatever had happen would be bad but this was insane.

"Yeah" Stiles whispers finally processing what was going to happen, they were both in disbelief that they would go low after everything that had occurred in that place.

Changing the subject Masie asks "So, where are we going to go then?"

"New York." Stiles says making Masie choke on air.


"My uncle has an apartment we can use till we sort things out." Stiles replies.

Masie furrows her eyebrows "If it's your Uncle's place then won't he be there?" she questions confused.

Stiles shakes his head "No. He stays with his partner but kept his apartment in case of emergencies."

"Does he know?" Masie had heard on his Uncle before, his job was very secretive so he rarely came and visited to protect Stiles.

Stiles bits the inside of his cheek "A little, he was at the funeral and saw how he acted. He told me if things got worse to ring him but I couldn't burden him like that."

"I get it. As long as we are together we can get through this." Masie nods her head confidently trying to make herself belive her own words.

Stiles smiles, looking down at Masie's hand that was on top of his, he laces their fingers together.



Actually love writing their relationship,

It's so cute,

Never a choice: Masie McCall & Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now