What seemed unexpected and escalated (quickly)

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Y/n entered the door, locking it. She looked around the house noticing König was no were to be found. She gave a small shrug thinking he just got trapped at work again. You walked back to your bedroom coming back out with one of König's hoodie's and shorts.

You pulled your hair into a messy bun while walking to the kitchen. As you started making a peanut butter and jelly when you suddenly hear the door slam open. You turned around with a smile. It was König. You went back to making your sandwich.
"Hey König! How was work?" There was no response, you opened your mouth to say more but was interrupted by König picking you up and putting you on his shoulder. He walked to the bedroom, you were still in shock and thought it best not to move. He opened the door, slamming it shut while locking it. He in turn slammed you on the bed as he took his shirt off.
"König?" You were still in shock and couldn't say much. König didn't respond as he unbuckled his belt, he pulled down his pants down along with his boxers, as his cock whipped out. It was literal third leg. He stared at you; his eyes piercing your soul.
"Suck." He practically growled at you. You nodded and began sucking. He started to grunt and groan while you continue. You stopped for a second trying to catch your breath. He slammed his cock into your mouth.
"I didn't tell you to stop." His voice stick and controlling. You let out a moan of pain. He grabbed a fist full of your hair.
"I'll go rough if you don't start sucking." This time he was growling at you. You started to suck again, as König began grunting harder; he released your hair as his hands moved to your waist and then moved to your inner thigh slithering up.
"König?..what are..you doing?" You let out a gasp of pleasure as you took his dick out of your mouth.
"What." His eyes growling at you. "You like that...?" A smirk grew under his mask and watching you only made his hunger grow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2023 ⏰

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