Chapter 6: Jax

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Some time passes and it turns to night. Still at the Wu Shi Academy, Jax is smoking a cigar while contemplating recent events with Raiden.

"I do not understand why my amulet is further damaged. "He must win". If not Liu Kang, then who?" Raiden wonders.

"Ya got me. Not sure anybody coulda done what he did. Made Shang Tsung look like a chump." Jax says.

While they're talking, a much younger looking Shang Tsung walks up to them seemingly unnoticed.

"Here to congratulate us on our victory, sorcerer?" Raiden asks the sorcerer while not looking at him directly.

Jax turns around and throws away his cigar.

"What? Shang Tsung?!" Jax asks, surprised to see him looking different.

"You have been revitalised, I see. I didn't realise your master was in the habit of rewarding failure." Raiden says.

"The emperor has an offer, Raiden. A new tournament." Shang Tsung informs.

"Heh. I see no reason to participate in any plan of yours." Raiden says, not being interested as to what the sorcerer had to say.

"The emperor proposes a single tournament, to replace the current system of ten. It will be held in Outworld. If Earthrealm does not win, Outworld will absorb it. But if Earthrealm wins, Shao Kahn will abandon his claim to it forever." Shang Tsung offers.

"Give your emperor my regards." Raiden replies, declining the offer.

Shang Tsung then smiles and generates a large portal across the courtyard. Out of it emerges hundreds of Tarkatan warriors. Furiously, Raiden begins fighting with Shang Tsung while Jax jumps into the rampaging army. He clotheslines one Tarkatan down, headbutts another, punches and knees yet another, throws him down and finishes him with a head stomp. A fourth Tarkatan sucker punches him, a fifth hits him and the fourth then kicks him in the face, sending him sprawling. As he lies on the ground, the Tarkatan brings his boot down hard on his face, knocking him unconscious.

Some time later as morning arrived, Jax starts hearing Raiden's voice as he comes to, and spots Johnny Cage kneeling over him. The Academy has been devastated by the Tarkatans, but Liu Kang and Kung Lao as well as Johnny Cage are uninjured.

"He gained a momentary advantage during our kombat and escaped. I now realise what we must do." Raiden says as Jax retains his composure.

"Uggh... Anybody get the number o' that--? Wait. Where's Sonya?" Jax asks, noticing that Sonya is missing from the group.

"Shang Tsung has taken her." Raiden informs.

"We've gotta find her!" Jax says

"We must follow them!" Kung Lao insists.

"Shang Tsung has made it clear that Earthrealm will be under constant threat unless I agree to a new tournament." Raiden informs.

Raiden then receives another vision; one of Liu Kang punching a hole through Shao Kahn's chest.

"Another vision?" Jax asks.

"Yes. I saw Liu Kang win the proposed tournament. I believe we must attend. But my earlier vision, of your victory over Shang Tsung, was not the solution I sought. Therefore this premonition must show an event I need to
change. Perhaps "He must win" refers to another." Raiden explains.

Liu Kang looks a bit downcast at this.

"Hear me, Elder Gods! I accept the terms proposed by Shao Kahn!" Raiden calls out.

Suddenly a light from the heavens briefly absorbs Raiden, which is presumably their acknowledgement of this.

"We go to Outworld." Raiden says.

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