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When she opened her eyes, everything was a blur. The only thing she could see through her foggy vision was a head of bright pink hair.

Journey was crouched over her, her voice distant and echoey in her mind. Finally, her ears stopped ringing and she could see. "What happened?" She asked.

"You fainted," Journey said. She took her by the arm and helped her stand, then led her to one of the infirmary beds. One of the perks of being a medic was if anything happened, she had the entire room to her disposal. Remedy couldn't remember anything that had happened in the past two hours, at least not the specifics. She remembered hovering over a computer, writing things down; Journey walking in at some point, speaking words to her she hadn't actually listened to. The last time she had been able to focus was some time the previous day.

It wasn't until she was sitting that she realized how tired she was. Journey even called her out on it. "You look exhausted. When did you sleep last?"

Remedy had to think for a moment. "Two days ago."

There was a high-maintenance patient she'd had to take care of after a battlefield incident. After they had left last night, Remedy had spent the entire night writing on something she had discovered while treating them. Tunnel vision seemed to be a common thing with her, even before she'd come to the island. There was never any resting until everything was done and a hundred percent cleaned up.

Journey clicked her tongue; Remedy couldn't tell if she was disappointed or just worried, but she hoped it was the latter. Journey's disappointment crushed you like nothing else. "I'll be right back," she said. "What about breakfast? Did you eat anything this morning? Drink anything?"

Not since yesterday morning, she remembered, but she wouldn't say the yesterday part out loud. She only shook her head.

Her head was swimming. Now that the effects of her hard work were finally taking over, she wanted nothing more than to lay her head back and sleep. But she always had to be on her feet in case another call came through, telling her there was another henchman or someone of importance in critical condition. Sure, most of the henchmen around The Shark were medically trained, but she was the most trusted. She had to be ready 24/7.

Journey came back into the room rather quickly, not that she had been paying attention to the time anyway. In her hands were a pack of crackers and a bottle of water; she hadn't realized she was starving until she saw the snack. "It's not much, but you need something for now. I don't have anything to do today, so we can go grab lunch somewhere."

"I'd love to but I have to stay here," Remedy said. "If I'm gone and something happens-"

"Rem, you need to take care of yourself first, or you can't do anything if something happens. You need time off."

She couldn't find the words to argue because she knew she was right. Still, she couldn't shake the feeling that if she left even just for an hour, E.G.O would lose another soldier. "But I-"

"We have plenty of medics," Journey said, voice now stern. "You need to rest."

Her eyes pierced into her, and Remedy knew she wouldn't be able to argue. So, she would appease her, at least for today. "Okay. I'll take some time off.

Journey smiled. "Good. Then I'll call the boss and tell him."

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