Chapter I: Captivity

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        I sit in this hell hole half beaten and starved looking motionless at the metal bars waiting to be taken out again for the next torture session, I'm supposed to be a Marine Corp scout Sergeant Krane Miller Troy. But as I say this, my partner Cpl. Jake ¨ Striker ¨ Lane is probably losing his teeth unless I get out of here. 

        I was surrounded by either concrete walls or bars, the only interaction I can get is a Russian adversary bringing me slops of food. Striker and I were sent into Ukraine of scouting the infiltration of a rundown prison, but our cover was blown then captured, I was looted of my gear and coms. I do see that this dump of a prison has no cams nor does the soldier the patrols along the cells. I wait patiently for the patrol, as I wait for him to get to my cell, I pulled him into the metal bars by the collar then pulled his cell keys off of him letting myself out of that shitty cell taking the TT-33 pistol, NR-40 combat knife, and 6b45 vest, not a stealth level equipment of a scout but I'll make do, now where's my partner located?

        I was guessing that this prison was made into an enemy checkpoint, even more likely a supplying extraction base, I come to realize I'm on the third floor and I can't find any allies in the rooms I keep checking each corner hoping for Striker or a radio. heading down into the second-floor hearing maybe 3 soldiers talking smack at what sounded like a Ukrainian.

" Please help. " and " Don ' t hurt me." But I just waited. 

        After I heard one walking away and another snoring to sleep, I was ready to take these fellows down knife style, but as I move up, I see a person across the opposite side, I take the tango out quietly seeing that the mysterious person comes up and taking the out the sleeping Russian finally seeing its Striker.  

        We just look at each other trying to be silent but nod to each other to confirm what mission lays first finding a radio to contact back at base and continue clearing the enemy force, but before that we need to take a moment loot what worth taking then unlocking the cell me saying to him can you speak English or understand it He shakes his head then nods twice confirming he can at least understand me making things easier. 

        I ask his name and give me the name ¨ Artem ¨ so I take a gun off a soldier handing it to him saying to stay close or otherwise may need to take you out before the enemies do so he nods once more giving his loyalty and respect toward me and Striker, now the only thing to do now is find a radio room then call back to home base.

        Clearing just the third and second floor makes me just gotta wonder what waits on the first floor but luckily, we found a armory in the back of the rooms giving us AK-15s and suppressing attachments which helps our side all together. Making a plan before heading down to the last floor is best for what's to come.

        Slowly making our way down Me, Artem and then Striker watching all together movement, we spot more cells with holding many Ukrainians being watched over 8 Russians I signal Striker to take point while Artem and I support the back. When the three of us get in cover I pull out a smoke grenade rolling to Striker giving him the confirmation to set it off, ting it went when he threw, it hits against the wall then hitting the floor setting of.

       Me and Artem start popping the tangos down with the optic thermal sights leaving the Russians unable to return firing as Striker slides through taking out if needed, to flank the other side. After that hell of a hunt, we the hunters take the cell key letting the prisoners release not knowing what to say or able to understand them I'll tell Artem to calm them and gather surrounding weaponry then to follow us to get back home safely.

        Soon after equipping up for what is now platoons gear, I have Artem translating what I say and do for I need to make sure they can shoot a firearm and to hold mags real close for that's how to stay alive, after everyone confirms there orders, we stay close as we slowly make our way to the outside.

        Slowly making it outside of the prison, finally blinding light and the warmth feels good right now. Apart from the Russian Tangos in front securing the building leaving us surrounded, from northwest to northeast is covered in the Russian army and T-72 Battle tanks I thought they expected an elite troop force or spec ops but it's just the 21 captives and two marines. Next thing I know there ' s three Ka-52 flying overhead us making us the caged bird.

        Me, Striker, and Artem were unfazed from this situation, because we know what's going to happen next. I hear the goddam Russians spitting out ¨ Spuskat ' Sya¨ and only Russian I know and said is ¨Otvali¨ they aren't pleased from that response and are now getting more hostile. Standing there not knowing our next move I hear something out in the distance then seeing a rapid missile striking the T-12 and Ka-52s giving us the time to fall back into the building returning fire to the Tangos.

        Looking through the chaos I see what caused the explosion, At4 rocket launchers from the U.S. army rocket team. I see the beeps and Apache's Attack Choppers and "Holy shit" me and Striker said, guess the Russian were instead trapped inside with us.

        I never thought the army would come for us, but then again, I can't complain about it as I take cover between Striker and Artem I started pulling pins throwing them into Russian direction shooting our guns until they feel over heated. Until I see the two army soldiers, Alan Wadih and Nebraska Winters pulling through the Russian tanks to flank, Corporal Winter jumps from the jeep landing onto the tank ripping the cover like a beast opening firing then tossing a grenade in the tank jumping for it.

        Sergeant Wadih tossing himself out of the driver's seat right when it hits another T-72 landing onto a Russian soldier knocking him out cold rushing right into a trio of enemy soldiers countering the first breaking the defense on second snapping the thirds arm and nose climbing over the second once more kicking the teeth in the first finally dislocating the fingers in the second soldiers' hand. Shit glad there with us Striker pulls me under from an enemy missile.

        Even in the smoke the whole captives walk out from the smoke shooting led and before we knew it the Russians stopped coming and the army started pulling up to us treating the wounded while Me and Striker find the Master Sergeant leaving Artem to speak with his people. Striker and I run into Sergeant Wadih and Corporal Winters praising us for what we did, not men of many words the both of them but the response they gave were

¨No surprise, Shooter Jr.¨ Winters also saying, ¨It runs in the blood in you.¨

        Finally seeing my chopper home, me and Striker salute our farewells to Artem and his people, But now I'm getting the hunch on what to do from here on, I know still need to do Recon work to be done, this will be a long week...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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