Liz is an seraphim
Her powers are to control people's minds and mind reader she also has wingsControl people's minds: change their emotions and stuff like that
Mirabelle is a seraphim she can also read minds and she she has the power of creation and also has wings
Promise is an entity that can make universes and control almost everything around her except angels and some high rank demons/entities/vampire's like teachers and stuff
Aalliyah, seveyah, Britania and caydens are demons
Aalliyah's powers are that she can control everything that is not a living thing and also nature
Britania's powers are to control wind and control people's body's
Caydens powers are to control ice and fire
Seveyah powers is to have a human form and teleport
Rankings are given from 1 to 10 for now all of them are in rank 1
Have a nice day