Three times the fun

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Fivesome fic/duplication spell trope- All characters used are 19+- She/her reader with fem bio parts

Reader is in a long-standing poly relationship with the pirates, takes place way after D3 and they all live on the repaired lost revenge. Uma calls you/(y/n) pretty ;3


Mal slammed into Ben's office, where Evie, Uma, and Ben were having a meeting. They turned to her-wondering what was wrong, there had to be something wrong since she was paler than usual and her eyes were wide with panic. "I fucked up!" Mal nearly screeched, holding her spell notebook to her chest. Evie was the first to stand, grabbing Mal's hands and trying to calm her down as Uma snorted and crossed her arms.

"That's normal, now-how did you fuck up is the quest...tion." Just as Uma said that-Harry walked in...then another....and then another. Three Harry's, standing in a line, all staring back at her. He-they-looked normal, and Uma couldn't sense any magical strain from either of them-but- "YOU DUPLICATED HARRY?!" Uma screeched, standing from her chair and staring wide-eyed ad Mal.

Mal just sighed loudly, pressing her book to her face. "I didn't mean to!!! I was attempting a duplication spell on an apple and-I got distracted and missed-and Harry walked in at the same time and he got hit instead!" Uma groaned, holding out her hand for Mal's spell book and she handed it over-flipping to the duplication spell. "it's not meant to last forever, maybe three days at the most-including today. Basically a day per duplication."

Uma hummed, handing the book back to Mal and checking on the three Harry's who were very eager to receive her attention. "well, he-they-all look fine, no magical strain, no physical strain," Uma muttered, holding the middle Harry's face in her hands, unable to hold back her smirk as he melted into her hands. The other two pouted, wanting more attention from their captain.

Uma sighed, shaking her head. "He's-they're okay, if this reverses in three days like you said it would, until then; it's just a waiting game." Uma muttered, turning back to face Mal and the others-feeling one Harry chin on her head-another set of hands around her arm, and another around her waist. She closed her eyes-oh gods right, x3 Harry-he was an affectionate clingy bastard all on his own-she couldn't've imagined how he would be with that multiplied by 3.

"I'll let you deal with that, we're done here anyway," Ben said with a sympathetic smile, letting Uma leave with x3 Harry in tow, laughing quietly at Mal as she deflated in his arms, muttering about how stupid magic was and how it bounced off a mirror and hit Harry instead of the stupid apples like it was supposed to.

Uma and x3 Harry arrived back at their ship about an hour later, Uma very much relieved most of her crew had a day off today-and if they didn't-they were off ship working. She spotted the only other crew member she wanted to see right now, but before she could call out for them-the three Harry's moved forward and ambushed them.

"wha-hey!" (y/n), their girlfriend, yelped as one of the three Harry's grabbed her and lifted her into his arms, holding her against his chest as she scrambled to gain her bearings. "what the-Harry!...and-Harry's?" (y/n) asked, turning to look Harry in the eye with a pout, turning to surprise as she spotted the other two Harry's.

They all grinned back, that stupid lop-sided grin that always made Uma want to take his face and kiss him silly. (y/n) felt the same way, flushing as Harry held her closer, the other two giggling at her reaction. "why-captain?" (y/n) called out to Uma, her face now set in worry "Why are there three of him now? What happened?"

"Mal," Uma simply supplied, strutting over and taking (y/n)'s chin in her palm, admiring the warmth against her skin as (y/n) huffed down at her. "spell misfire-he'll be okay, wears off in three days."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2023 ⏰

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