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"But anyway, the three of us here are the only ones that know about this morning practice, so make sure you-"

Out of seemingly nowhere, the door opened and a voice remarked, "Morning practice, huh? Called it."



"But why..." Tanaka trailed off.

He's a third year, Hinata thought.

"Because you were obviously weird yesterday," came the reply, as the speaker changed his shoes. "You're always barely on time, but you voluntarily asked to be in charge of opening the lock."


The third-year reassured them by saying, "Don't worry, don't worry, I won't tell Daichi. This is like secret training or something. It's kind of thrilling!" Cue the sighs of relief from the practicing trio.

*Insert the epic opening*

"Come and get it!" the second-year roared as he spiked one of Kageyama's sets. "Good, that was excellent."

"Hinata, don't get distracted," Suga scolded as a ball boinked the said boy on the head, being too engrossed in watching the duo.

Alas, no. "I want to hit the ball too, send me a toss too! Tossing's your favorite, right? Send me a toss too!"


He persisted, "Just one!"

"Hey, Hinata..." the oldest began.

"...I refuse," the boy Hinata was addressing replied.

"UUUUHHH?!" -Everyone minus Kageyama

"What is this, stinginess?" the orange yelled. Tanaka backed him up by adding, "That's right, that's right!"

Presumably out of annoyance, Kageyama swiftly served a ball towards the talkative boy's direction. Due to the poor receiving skills the shrimp had, it flew off to the side.

"That came straight in front of you," the setter lectured. "When there's reception, that's only when tossing and attacking happen. Which you're too slow to even do, so don't talk cocky. For the three-on-three match this Saturday, I'll make every effort to give Tanaka-san the tosses. Let him do the attacking. As for you, do your best to not be a hindrance."

Hinata gritted his teeth. "When I can receive satisfactorily, you'll send me tosses too?"

Came the curt reply, "I'll toss to anyone who's essential to winning. Right now, I don't think you're one of them." The addressed boy gulped. A "Nasty!" could be heard in the background, courtesy of the self-proclaimed great senpai.

"A few tosses wouldn't hurt," Suga remarked.

"It's getting to be that time. We'd better clean up-eh?! When did you get here?"

There you stood, in all your glory-ahem ahem, you were silently putting the volleyballs away. 

"...a few minutes ago, I think," you answered. Then seeing as they were about to open their mouths to beg to to keep quiet, you continued. "Chillax, I won't squeal. But you'd better help erase all evidence."


"Tanaka, get a mop!"


He's practicing through his lunch break? Kageyama wondered, having seen the tangerine and his senpai practice receives together.

"...I want to...be as strong as someone who can beat Kageyama. Then I can definitely play against other strong opponents on equal footing! I won't lose so easily! I don't want to lose anymore!" Hinata's voice came.

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