(I) Bad News

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Warning: This is a (somewhat strong) parody of this movie.

Imagine that this story is being told by an elderly man with a somewhat deep and bitter voice. Like someone who felt a little overwhelmed when watching the movie (Me XD)

Author: - "The trolls are somewhat peculiar creatures, or at least, these of this story. In their small bodies of just a few centimeters there was enough capacity to store countless hours and hours of joy and fun. Making even people more positive were "pasted" after several minutes of seeing these little characters behind the big screen. Luckily, this story will be very different." - He concludes with a somewhat more cheerful tone.

In this history we can see Branch. A peculiar troll, who for reasons he has never wanted to share, is bitter and prefers to stay away from the fun and the rest of his people. Just some hours ago, Poppy, the king's daughter and future queen of the trolls, had invited him to participate in the most outrageous and insane party that the trolls had ever made. However, the embittered troll refused flatly, even making comments a little... strong from the still inexperienced princess.

Branch was at home, a small house a bit far from the rest, a place where the embittered troll could enjoy some peace and quiet. Branch was sitting on his favorite sofa, and was looking with a certain nostalgia at those paper cutouts that Poppy used to make for him to cheer him up, and although everyone thought that he simply discarded them, the truth was that he used to keep them on one of his shelves. The embittered troll might even remember those days when he used to be happy. But who knows?

Branch was lost in his thoughts, when suddenly, he felt a loud noise that made him stagger and knock down some things that were around him. Someone was knocking hard on his door, and Branch thought he had a vague idea of ​​who it could be. Only one troll in the entire village could be so persistent and rowdy at this time of night. No doubt it was Princess Poppy who had come to invite him back to the party. But when he opened a small crack in his door, he was met with a strange surprise.

Contrary to what Branch thought, it wasn't Poppy who knocked on his door. It was none other than King Peppy himself, and he was showing an obvious look of despair.

Branch: - King Peppy? What are you doing here? - He asked from the other side of the door.

Peppy: - Branch. Something terrible has happened... You have to help us. I beg you. -

Branch: - Wait. - He told him while he removed the ten latches that secured the door of his house so that the king could go inside. - What happened? -

Peppy: - The bergens... The bergens came...You had reason. You were right all this time. - Branch grabbed the king by the shoulders and shook him to make him back to reason.

Branch: - My king! - He yelled loudly. - I need you to calm down and tell me what happened. - King Peppy took a breath of air and then spoke.

Peppy: - A bergen... it came out of nowhere... we were at the party... and... and... we didn't see it coming. They took several of us. And they took Poppy. -

Branch: - Poppy? -

Peppy: - I must... I must... I must go look for her. I must go after her. You... you stay here. Help the others I must go now. -

The king was clearly seen out of reason. He was acting erratically and obviously couldn't do such a task. Branch tried to calm him down, but there was no way to do it, and the embittered troll had no choice but to slap him hard to make him come back to reason.

The king was in shock for several seconds, but thinking everything clearly, he couldn't help but start crying uncontrollably. Branch looked at him sadly. What could a little troll do against a bergen? He wondered inside. But that was not time to doubt.

Branch: - My king. accompany me. -

Branch led the king inside his house until he came to a strange lever. As the troll tugged on it, a section of the ground shuddered forcefully, then began to descend into the depths of the earth.

Peppy: - Branch. What is this? - He asked while he was amazed at the immensity of the shelter and all the things that were stored there.

Branch: - I knew that this could happen at any time. So, I started to prepare for years. - Finally the elevator where they were reaches the bottom of the shelter. - My King. Gather those who remain. We dont have time to lose. -

Peppy: - And you? What are you going to do? -

Branch: - I'll pick up some things. It will be a very long journey. -

As he spoke, Branch approached one of the curtains that covered a section of his shelter, and when he opened them, he revealed something impressive. A small armory with various jars and tools that no troll had ever seen.

Peppy: - Branch. Did you...? -

Branch: - King Peppy. I'll go find Poppy and the others. You round up the remaining trolls. There is so much to do. -

Branch thought that it could be useful while he gave instructions to the king. Finally the king left the shelter and went in search of the survivors while Branch prepared for the trip. Finally, King Peppy returned with the rest of the trolls, but his arrival was not very pleasant for the embittered troll.

The trolls invaded the place and began to do their misdeeds, after all, they were too carefree to take things seriously. King Peppy approached Branch trying to apologize for the attitude of his subjects, but Branch had other ideas in mind.

Branch: - SILENCE! - He shouted with all his strength, taking everyone off guard. Branch looked clearly angry. - What happened to you!? Your friends have just been kidnapped and all you do is behave like idio... -

Branch stopped before finishing the sentence and tried to calm himself down. He withdrew some kind of jar from the hands of a child and behind a curtain he took a small knife, but useful enough for the little troll. Then, he approached where the king was.

Branch: - The supplies of this place will be enough to resist for ten days. If you consume them with discretion. - Branch stretched out his hand and offered the king a piece of paper where there seemed to be some kind of drawn map.

Peppy: - What is this? -

Branch: - Far to the south, there is a place that could become our refuge for a while. You must leave immediately and take everything you can. You must make sure not to leave any traces. -

Peppy: - Should we get out of here? But...It is our home. -

Branch: - And it is no longer safe. If the bergens found us once they will do it again. You must go we will see each other in that place in a few days. -

Peppy: - Branch. - He called him when he already had his back to the king. - Save her. Save my little girl. - Branch only answered by nodding his head and then stopped on the elevator.

Branch: - My king. If in fifteen days I have not returned. Don't wait for me. -

After saying this, Branch pulled the lever and left the shelter to begin his dangerous journey.

Trolls Fanfic - Branch to the RescueWhere stories live. Discover now