The Arctic

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Arctic Circle

A SHIELD Quinjet flew over the frozen tundra of the Arctic towards a small research camp that was set up at the base of a glacier. As it touched down, the camp foreman directed Y/N to help with anything the passenger on board needed. 

Y/N walked up to the aircraft as the door lowered and out stepped a redhaired woman in standard SHIELD weather gear, she said hi to Y/N as she walked out onto the snow covered plains.

Foreman: Agent Romanoff, Hi Joe can take your bags for you. 

he pointed towards Y/N who was already carrying her bags off the jet.

Natasha: smugly I would say be careful because those are heavy but you seem to got it

 She smirked at him, causing Y/N to smile sheepishly before walking past her towards the sleeping quarters.

Soon afterwards Natasha went to the camps command center to discuss the situation with Dr. Emil Hamilton and Colonel Nathan Hardy. Apparently SHIELD and Military sensors picked up an object that was buried deep in the ice, odd thing was that the ice surrounding it was over 20,000 years old.

Later that day, as the sun began to set Natasha went out with her camera to take pictures of the surrounding landscape for her report. When she reviewed the pictures something odd caught her attention, she zoomed in on one of the pictures to see a man walking up the side of the mountain.

Natasha: Where are you going?

After a while of following the trail of the man she saw, Natasha came across a cave that was carved in the ice, carved by what she wasn't sure but it definitely wasn't made naturally. 

Y/N only had to walk a little further into the glacier, melting his way through with his heat vision. Eventually he came to an opening inside where it his heat vision wasn't necessary anymore. 

Y/N looked up in awe at the massive structure that was before him, it was a giant spacecraft, clearly not of this world and encased in the ice. It didn't take him long to regain his composure and began heading up to the ship, unaware that there was someone following him.

Natasha managed to keep herself quiet as she made her way through the makeshift passageway, using her flashlight to light her way until she made it to the ship.

After finding the entrance to the ship, Y/N made his way into the  still captivated by its immense size. Looking around at the huge structures, a panel rose from the ground, in the middle was a diamond shaped port.

Y/N looked at the panel before a thought came to mind, he took the command key that he kept around his neck and lifted it up to the port before it was sucked in and a mechanical whirring noise sounded throughout the ship. 

Just as he was about to push it in the rest of the way, when a noise from behind him caught his attention. There was some kind of alien robot floating behind him, before he could react the robot attacked him with some kind of tentacle. Y/N tried to reach for the command key to press it in all the way but the robot restrained his arm back, after struggling for a few moments he managed to free himself and pushing the key in all the way. 

This caused the robot to cease its attack and float away, leaving Y/N alone, or so he thought.

Natasha managed to climb her way inside the ship, camera in hand as SHIELD is gonna want evidence of all this.

Y/N walked through the halls of the ship, taking everything in.

Natasha stood in front of the robot that previously attacked Y/N, she rose her camera to take a photo but the flash sent the robot into attack mode and it's tentacle struck Natasha in her midsection, causing her to groan in pain.

Y/N heard Natasha's groans from across the ship and ran to go help.

Natasha kept backing up as the robot began to attack again when Y/N came up from behind and crushed the machine with his bare hands.

Y/N walked up to Natasha who was still frantic, trying to calm her down.

Y/N: It's alright!

Natasha managed to stay still while Y/N looked at her wound.

Y/N: You're hemorrhaging internally, and if I don't cauterize this bleed...

Natasha: still panting  H-How..?

Y/N: I can do things other people cant, now grab my hand. This is gonna hurt.

Natasha grabbed his hand tightly as Y/N used his heat vision to cauterize Natasha's wound. The heat causing her to scream.

After making sure Natasha was safe near the camp site. Y/N returned to the ship and began to fly away, much to the surprise of everyone at the camp site.

Natasha was given proper medical care and eventually was sent back to the states to report what she found to Director Nick Fury, but there was one thing about all this that she could get off her mind. 

Who was that man that saved her?

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