Dead Man's Squall

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" emm... I don't like this storm " 'Crystalia' was taken aback then turned her eyes which were originally from the note to lily " Am I not hearing wrong? You don't like this storm? Even though you're so crazy about storms!? What the change ? " Lily sighed then went to look at the dark sky from the window

" I don't know Lia, I feel like... something bad is going to happen... And I don't like this feeling " 'Crystalia' closed her notes which contained riddle clues and then went over to Lily

" Maybe you're just tired, how about we go meet them? I'm sure it will relax you a bit "  Her eyes stared at the sky for a few seconds then looked away from the window and smiled " Maybe you're right, this long and new journey is making me tired and almost driving me crazy because of this new problem haha... Then let's go and meet them all! I'm not going to let you be here twenty four hours straight ".

" So... Lia, have you found the clue to the riddle? " Nya asked and 'Crystalia' happily took out a small note containing clues to the riddle earlier " I found some clues that are closer to the answer, but I still can't figure out the meaning ".

" That's amazing Lia! And that's okay, we can help you with that " Jay said loudly " Yeah... Sure, even though you're all busy with your own business and don't have time for these troublesome riddle " Everyone in one room was silent and some chuckled awkwardly, she knew that they promised to help her but in reality it was just nonsense.

" It's okay Lia, let me help you find the meaning "

'Crystalia''s eyes sneakily glanced at Harumi without anyone noticing ' You're really good at hiding your face, aren't you? ' she knew that Zane was hurt because of her actions because all this time 'Crystalia' often followed hee in the shadows, Actually she really wanted to uncover all of her actions but that was not in accordance with the plan that had been set to trick them...

She could only stay silent and follow the flow of the game for now.

not long after that, there was a shock on the ship making kai and jay fall off the chairs. Now 'Crystalia' believes in the bad feeling Lily has been feeling recently...
We all immediately went to the control room, but daniel saw something odd and walked over to zane's body

" Someone must have put something in Zane's body and hacked into the system... " he said " But who put such a thing ? " Harumi ask to him " Whoever it is, I admit it was sneaky enough that we didn't suspect anything until this happened. " Daniel said after researching Zane's body and the ship system.

" Can you fix the system back? " Daniel shook his head then looked at Lloyd  " The code was too difficult for me, so I couldn't fix the system quickly ". Oh no, even Daniel has trouble getting over the code system
While everyone was panicking and looking for a solution

'Crystalia' walked out and looked around the area. ' hmm... somehow I feel there is someone out here ' Without her noticing there was a laser shooting right beside her but luckily she immediately took out her crystal shield and was blown inside.
She groaned in pain as her head hit the iron.

Daniel who was close to her immediately lifted her up " Are you alright lia ? " 'Crystalia' nodded her head then let go of Daniel's grip " I'm okay, it's just that my vision is spinning a little after hitting the iron earlier... It feels like I'm being pranked by someone " she replied while holding the wooden wall nearby.

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