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Angelico: *he said nothing, he only knew begging would give bun satisfaction, so he stayed quiet but would be ready to deal with whatever bun would do to him.*

Bun: *he kicked his cage* hey, say something

Angelico: *no. He thought to himself, I won't say anything to you.*
*he glared at bun with hostility. Still not saying anything.*

Bun: *he got closer to his face* never have I seen someone be able to bottle up this procedure after it's done
*the air got tense again*

Angelico: *he stared, even so still in pain somewhat and healing himself he stared right back at bun.*Bun: No wonder you're alone in life.
I'd love to see you try to spend a whole day while suffering from that pain. Let's see when you beg me to give you the antidote

Angelico: *he wasn't going to beg no matter what. He wouldn't even if it meant death to himself.*
*he was a bit mad how bun mocked him, but he just ignored it.*
this is all I'm gonna ask you, do these powers have any specific names rather then being called a power? That's all I'm gonna ask you.

Bun: *he stared down at him condescendingly*

Angelico: thanks I guess.
*he didn't really know what to do so he just sat there, still healing himself.*

ABBA: *it summoned it's arm to grab his face and keep him looking up*

Bun: I'm going to ruin your life, and at the end you'll be thanking me, just like that girl *he points at the girl in the cage, now half awake because of the screams*

Angelico: No I wont. I can promise you that.
*he smirked*
*he just sat there again, unsure what to do, he couldn't do much anyways.*

Bun: I beg to differ. **cunt**

Hostage 1: *still groggy* hmm what happened.. *she wobbly tries to get up*

Bun: oh great you're awake! Right in time!
*he approached her cage and picked her up to bring her closer to Angelico*
*to her, in a completely different voice*
Can you believe he's not happy with me after I gave him those amazing wings?Wouldn't you be jealous to have those?

Hostage 1: *she's on the floor next to Angelico, grabbing on buns pants* ....yeah

Bun: isn't he so rude?

Hostage 1: .....a lot..

Angelico: *he glared at bun and the hostage.*
why does it matter to you?

Hostage 1: *she grabbed the cages bars, and tried to reach into it, she wanted to touch the wings, the ones she could had had* should be grateful..Bun: *sigh* he really should, but alas, some people can't appreciate what others do for them...

Angelico: *he backed away from her* as if I wanted them either way.
you didn't do anything for me.

Bun: I gave you a pair of beautiful wings, anyone here would kill for them, you know~
Isn't that right, Angel?

Hostage 1(angel.): *she still has her arm reaching into the cage, with her eyes fixated on the wings*

Angelico: *he glared at her still backing away*
Anyone but me.

Bun: you don't always get what you want, but what you deserve

Angelico: how, in what way did I deserve this?
*he stared at bun*
*he was very bored just sitting there, really unable to do anything.*

Bun: you don't seem to be in pain

Angelico: and?

Bun: *he forcefully pulls back the girl, making her fall*
You're not supposed to endure this pain.
*the air was becoming suffocating*
> *he forcefully pulls back the girl, making her fall* You're not supposed to endure this pain. *the air was becoming suffocating*
*he then steps back and crosses his arms. His face is a combination of many emotions, it's hard to decipher*
Oh well, I'll just make you go through all of this again tomorrow, and the day after, and the next, and so on. In a way, that regeneration ability of yours kinda backfired, didn't it~

Angelico: *he stayed quiet, really unsure of what to do at the moment.*

Bun: Well I'd advice you to stop being so fucking cocky because as far as I'm aware, I'm not the one locked in a cage in the middle of the fucking woods.

Angelico: and so what?

Bun: good luck getting any help
*then he made ABBA bring his face closer to where they were face to face, with only the bars to separate them*
if you ever run away, I'll hunt you down like a deer

Angelico: Like you will ever catch me.

Bun: oh ho, do you think you're faster than a bullet?

Angelico: I could be.

Bun:*he looked him down*
You're such a waste.
I give you beautiful wings, I succeed at them, and this is how you treat me

Angelico: then why am I here for your purposes?that doesn't matter to me.

Bun: yes, obviously
you're quite dense

Angelico: as if.
*he looked at bun, with pure hatred.*
*he didn't know what to do, at the moment he had no chance of escaping, well at that moment, he knew at some point he would have a chance to escape.*
*i still even so it's my stand I don't know what it's completely capable of, I guess I might have to test that when I escape, I wonder when that will be.*
Bun: *he found joy in his hatred. At least he hadn't lost it all, eventually he'll break, he's still human after all, and humans have a limit*
Even if you run away, i'll find you. The creations always come back to their Creator.

Angelico: i won't come back.

Bun: but we'll meet paths, so i suggest you dont try to escape

Angelico: Atleast I won't have to see you for a bit.

Bun: *he acted hurt, placing his hand on his chest*

Angelico: And just because I might meet you again doesn't mean I won't try to leave even so.

Bun: next time we see each other, if you do succeed on escaping, best believe ill smash your brains against the concrete. I'm sure your ability doesnt work if you have to brain to control it

Angelico: Okay, I admit I wouldn't be able to use my ability I suppose but you can't confirm I'll let you do that even so.

Bun: okay enough chit chatting. *he stood up as the aura around him got more visible*
*he approached the camera and took the out the card, and while waving it in front of him, he chanted*
You love acting all tough and manly, but your agony is plastered on this card~ *he got closer* we're gonna enjoy watching you suffer over and over again~

Angelico: *he didn't care even so, he knew it was a low chance bun would kill him on purpose. So he sat there thinking of a plan to escape, there's always a way.*

Bun: *as he walked away, with a superiority tone*
stop ideating escape routes, you wont succeed. The house is specifically designed to be a labyrinth~
*then, to let go of the pent up anger, he ruptured his eardrums*

Angelico: *of course, he did take extra precautions for situations like this, but there still is a way and I know it. There's always gotta be at least one. I hope.*

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