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Recap... Maybell nearly killed The bunny man, and Ethan lost their arm.

No one knew what happened that day, and I hoped to keep it that way. Only Mian and I knew... as long as Ethan didn't. They'd hate me. Evia came. "You probably hate me now. Don't you?" I asked her.
"Of course not, you didn't know-"
"But I did know. I knew he was your mate." She left after that. I knew everyone from their footsteps. Nobody would pass me without me knowing who it was.

Josaphine stopped in front of my cage. She wanted something. They always want something. "What happened? Give me the details, please." I didn't say anything. "May, tell me what happened." A moment passed, and I still stayed silent. "Maybell talk to me!" She pleaded with me. She wouldn't give up. "May... just say something. Just tell me to go away." She was getting desperate. "She's probably thinking about all the best ways to kill you." Mian ruined my mood. I was already angry. I threw my pen at the wall of glass that separated us. "I- uhh... good shot?" Josa stuttered. I must have hit the wall in just the right angle. I looked up at the wall, to find I left a small crack in the hard glass. I looked down at my hands. I imagined green blood dripping from a heart, laying in my hands. Mian was right. I am a monster. I remembered the day I ripped one of his eyes out.

I grabbed his hair, and pulled his head back as I pressed my arm against his neck. I threw him in a glass filled room, and the sharp fragments stabbed into his legs as he fell forward. I pulled him up, and wrapped a chain, one of 6, around his neck. He stood, terrified, hands on the chain trying to pull it off. I squatted down, and picked up the sharpest piece of glass I could find. I walked up to him, not caring that the glass was drawing blood from my hand and I held it to his eye. I dug it out of his scull. The blood oozed out of the empty socket. He screamed, and dropped to his knees. He couldn't breathe. I didn't care. I watched it happen.

"Whatever you're thinking about, it wasn't your fault." Ika was back.
"Thinking about how I dug an eyeball out of some dudes head."
"Oh... I thought you were thinking about Ethan's arm. That is much worse. You want to talk about it?" She was so innocent. "Maybe when I'm out of here." I replied.
"She's a monster, I'd think hard about freeing her." Mian wasn't wrong. I shouldn't be free. I'm a fucking monster. My few friends are just to kind.

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When life gives you an empty room and a pen, draw all the weirdest things from your childhood. The best part was how bored I was, because I drew a realistic angel with too much realism. Half way through drawing it, I asked my fellow prisoner a question. "So how many eyes did you have, before I removed one?" Curiosity took over. "69." I cracked up laughing. He had 69 eyes? I couldn't imagine what it would feel like. "Shut up." He mumbled. "Bro you should be thanking me. I saved you from that shit."

I never took into account that if Ika was back, so was Chrys. Then Husk would also be back, and last I checked, Husk hated me... for being aggressive. I see that, thanks Husk, but I don't really care. Chrys was a full time mother taking care of a demonic 5 year old. I realised it had been a day since I had last eaten, and as someone who lives to eat, that was strange. I only realised when my fangs fought their way out. Thankfully, It wasn't considered magic. Blood tastes disgusting. Kya walked past and immediately saw my arm. "GUYYYS! Who's in the kitchen right now? I need you to bring some parmesan." She yelled across the hallway, then turned to me. "How do you even like that stuff, like, parmesan is good, but not on it's own you psycho." Someone threw the cheese, and she struggled to open the door, even with the key. She chucked me the cheese, and left the door unlocked. "You forgot to lock the door." I reminded her, even though she didn't forget. "Must I remind you that I am constantly fighting for your freedom?" She looked like I just told her 'no, you can't wear full metal, go into the thunderstorm, and get struck by lightning.' She wanted me to go full demon on her. I could feel it. Her life flashing before my eyes, as I kill her in cold blood.

I might as well grow horns and a tail, maybe then I'd look like my roll, the monster. The villain in every story. The bad guy.


I was told I could leave, multiple times, but I'm pretty sure if I did, May would hunt me down and tie me to a hospital bed. Kya was doing her best to get her to run back to Athera, where she'd be free, but she was refusing. 'How's it going?' I linked to Kya. 'I managed to get her to leave, she is somewhere in the other world.'

Alen pinned me to the wall. "Where is she?" He asked in a hushed tone.
"We don't know." I answered truthfully. He wasn't getting to her, not if I could help it.
"Then you'll tell me who saw her last. Think carefully about what you say." He was threatening her, not me. He'd search for her, and if he found her, she'd never get away. "Kya." He grabbed my hoodie and dragged me with him, to find May. Alen's ideas often suck.

He threw Kya back onto a wall and I punched him in the face with my one remaining arm. He lifted his hand to his cheek and asked Kya a question. "Where did you send her?" He voice was deep, and his grip on my hoodie was tight. "We sent her somewhere, but we don't know where."
"You obviously didn't send her out there as Maybell. What identity is she hiding behind?" He didn't let go of my hood.

We had this whole Council to decide what we'd do. "We should find her. Our elements treat us like gods, we can get our elements to hunt for her, and we'll find her." The hydro 'god', who is definitely a female dog, stated. Ikasi despised that idea. "If they treat us like gods, then you can organise this 'hunt' while we sit back defending her." She bared her razor sharp teeth. "It's fair. Two and a half, against two. Hydro and Air users take up the majority of the world." Ika turned to me, upset. "Space is a rare element, but I suppose it is 3 v 2." 
"Are we really turning it into a game? Putting Air and Water against Dark, fire and space? I think it's a bit childish." Josaphine Carie liked to be the sensible one. "Whatever you lot do, i'm going back to Athera. Perhaps it's best if we part ways?" We all agreed with Ika, and we entered a portal to a sacred place, the crown of the gods, the largest floating island in Athera. "We all know she wouldn't go by her real name. So Kya... who is she?"
"Cathrin, Earth mage. We shouldn't tell the people that Maybell is hiding as Cathrin, we'll tell them that Cathrin is wanted alive, but we'll keep the Earth gem's whereabouts secret."


I fell into a deep body of water, and I was drowning. I was drifting out of consciousness, until firm hands grabbed me and pulled me out. "Hi, I'm Grace! Who are you?" She was a mermaid, beautiful and calm. Her purple-ish pink tail swished, and it almost resembled coral. "I'm Cathrin." I told her, using my fake name. "Nice name! Oh, and I'm a siren, water element." She was a siren. Explain's the sharp claws and teeth.
"Earth mage." I told her, and she gasped, pulling me back to the water, but keeping my head afloat. She told me to hold my breath, and I did,  as she swam us down to an underwater cave with an oxygen chamber. "You're wanted. The water god and the air goddess want you back to them as a prisoner, while dark, fire and space want you to be safe, and free when they get to you." I was wanted? It occurred to me that she didn't mention anything about the Earth goddess. They must have kept me a secret. "What about the earth goddess? What does she want with me?" I asked. The earth goddess wanted to be safe. "Oh, you'd ask that, she's your god... I don't know how to tell you this, but she disappeared. Whatever you do, you don't want to end up in the crown of gods, I have a feeling that they'll use you to make a castle." That was a lot to take in. I've disappeared, and they want me to build a castle?

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