The Beginning

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"Hi my names Diana Ann Kittenfur. I was named after my great grandmother. I am what you would call a neko. I am one of the many Kemonomimi who was chosen to travel through time, though, I don't do it often. I am seventeen and  a straight 'A' student in school. I work at The Furry King in downtown Furtopia.  In a world where technology is super advanced it's not easy to stay peaceful that long. Neighboring cities tend to pick fights with each other. My city and the neighboring city full of Inu's (the dogs of the Kemonomimi race) fight a lot more then we should. I mean, the Kitsune is a mix between our two species. It is said that a long, long time ago one of our ancestors gave birth to the first Kitsune (or fox). The father was said to be an Inu which caused an outcry of rage from her parents..."I look at my friend Alex Redfur and he smiles. "It sounds good so far. Tell me why are you writing this again?"  I sigh and stand stretching my sore muscles. "It's for the debate club. This month's topic is ancient history. So I decided to write about one of my favorite ancient love stories." Alex visibly shudders and with a growl I sit back down. "Out of all of the ancient history stories you had to choose the one that mentions our enemy as well?" "I can't believe you forgot already Alex." I say spinning in my desk chair forgetting that it's hovering three and a half feet off the ground. With a screech I fall off it and land hard on my fluffy tail.
Laughing he helps me up off the ground. "It's not funny Alex." I whined grabbing my aching tail. "Your right it's not funny it's hilarious." He starts laughing harder and I hiss at him before stepping on his tail. He yowls in pain and I tackle him. My door opens and my annoying little brother Dai pokes his head in. Launching myself at the door I shove him out and shut it. Locking it for good measure I spin and notice Alex was back on his feet. "That was really unfair Diana. I swear I'm going to tell your parents." I stick my tongue out at him before spinning around to fix my chair."I can't believe you forgot who one of my ancestors is." I hear him gasp and sit down on my bed. "It can't be Maiya Softfur." I nod and say. "I am a descendent of her youngest sister." My phone rings and I press a button to answer it. "Hey Naomi. What's up?" She grins at me and say's. "The suns up girlfriend." I smile back and say. "How are you doing today?"The hologram of her spins laughing and says. "Amazing Diana, but that is not why I contacted you. As you know my father is the head of police in Furtopia. He got a call a few minutes ago that a teenage male Inu was spotted in your area of the suburbs. He told me to contact you so you could tell your Uncle Ozzie." Alex leans down and asks. "How long ago was the sighting?" She sighs shaking her head. "I don't know. He must have said it before I popped my head in. I thought I heard them say that the boy has two females with him. They may be his sisters or mate and daughter."
"I have no idea, but they are our age Diana and the little girl could be as young as your brother." I look down and Alex says. "Don't do it Diana. They could be dangerous." Looking up at Naomi I say. "Meet me at the park in ten." Hanging up I stand up and head to my closet for my basket that I use for picnics. "Diana if you do this I will tell your parents." Alex says and I spin around to glare at him. "If you tell my parents you will no longer be allowed in this house Alex." He flinches backwards when he hears the threat in my voice. "If you're still going to go through with this then I'm coming with you."I pause to think about the pros and cons of letting him come with me. I look at him and see worry in his eyes. Knowing that worry comes from his love for me I sigh. "Fine, but one word about their whereabouts to anyone else will get you kicked out." He nods and I grab the basket and head to the kitchen. At the park... I look around for Naomi and finally spotted her walking up from the parking lot. "How did you get out?" "I begged my dad to let me come see you. Oh and I know the last coordinates where they were seen." She pulls out her trusty map with a laugh. I smile and hold up my basket."I guilt tripped my family's personal cook in keeping quiet about the food I took. Alex brought a few of his first aid kits." Alex sighed and looked to the side. "I'm guessing he didn't want you to come?" I nod and say. "Let's head out. How far is it from here?" She looks at her map and says. "About two blocks from here." She starts walking and we quickly follow her. Reaching the spot where the Inu was last seen I gasp. "What's wrong Diana?"
"I know this place. This is where I used to come and explore. This road leads to an abandoned mine shaft. I think I know where they are hiding." Naomi looks at her map and says. "There's no mine on the map Diana. How come that is?" I blush and look down. "Well no one has discovered it and I wanted to keep it a secret. You know to study. Before I lead you to it I want you to promise you won't tell anyone about the mine." After they promise I spin and lead them to the mines opening."Uh Diana there's no opening here." I smile and say. "That's where your wrong." Getting on my knees I push past the bushes in front of me and shimmy through the small opening. I land on my feet and giggle. "Hey Alex pass me that flash light." A flashlight is handed to me along with the basket of food. Turning it on I wait for my two friends to join me before I continue forward. Turning the corner I hear them before I see them. "Jacob she's sick we have to ask for help. Our parents may have abandoned us here, but we can still ask for help." "No Cassandra.""Clarisse is sick! Why can't I ask for help?!" I turn to look at my friends and motion for them to stay quiet. "We need help Jacob and you refuse to admit it." I sigh walk around the corner and say. "It's probably because the minute my kind saw him they started to shoot at him." I step into the light and they jump back to stand protectively over a little girl. "Relax if we were here to hurt you we would have brought grownups. We brought food and medical supplies." I set the basket down and Alex sets the med kit. The girl darts forward and grabs the med kit. "Wait she needs scanned first so we can use the med kit properly.If we don't we won't be able to heal her properly." Naomi said coming forward with her scanner. The boy Jacob doesn't move out of Naomi's way and I say. "If you want your little sister to regain health you will move." He growls and I sense him shifting before he stars and shift faster than him. I hiss in my panther form and he growls in his dire wolf form. He launches himself at me and I dodge and lash out my claws hitting his face. I leave bleeding scratches down his cheek and hissed a warning. "Enough you two! Anymore noise and you'll attract unwanted attention!" Alex yells and I look at him hurt that he cut off the fight. I hear a growl and spin just as Jacob launches at me again and I dodged out of the way and he slams into the wall.I go over to him and poke him not getting a response I look at Naomi who scans him. "He'll be out for a little while." I nod and shift back and sit by his front paws. I watch as Naomi and Cassandra work on the little girl Clarisse. Alex comes over and sits in front of me his eyes on Jacob. "Naomi said he'll be out for a while. So relax okay?" He shifts uncomfortably before saying. "It's not him I'm worried about. It's you I'm worried about. Diana I've been trying to talk to you about our future. Our parents have noticed how every time I hug you, you pull away from me.""I told you already Alex. I'm waiting for Mr.Right. If our parents try to force us to marry. I will run away. I want to marry someone that I love and not be forced into marriage." Alex sighs and goes to say something. "Don't Alex you know it's true." "I know it is Diana, but I can't help but think that we could be good together." With a huff of disgust I stand up and turn to check on Jacob. I jump back when I see that his eyes are open. "What happened Diana?" Jacob shuts his eyes and I sigh."Nothing it's nothing." I jump again as Jacob rolls so that he's facing the wall. "Well I'm going to explore." I watch as he motions for Naomi to come with him. "Don't go to far you two." I sit down in front of Jacob and reaching out I bop his nose. "I already know that you are awake. So you might as well open your eyes." He starts to growl, but stops short when he sees me. Shifting back he says. "How come you're not scared of me?" I shrug and look at him noting how he has three scratches on his cheek where I had hit him."Here let me get something for those scratches." I stand up and before I can walk away his hand darts out and grabs my wrist. I gasp as he pulls me back towards him making me end up in his lap. "Don't bother they don't hurt. Oh and I um..." "Heard what me and my friend Alex were talking about?" He nods and I giggle making him blush. "Oh you Inu's can blush too." He glares and shoves me of his lap. Standing he walks out bumping into Naomi who walks in startled. I stand brushing my skirt off and walk over to the others. "Where's Alex Naomi?""He's looking for another hiding spot for them that is off our lands." "I might know a place for them. It's another mine and it's not that far away from here." I don't mention that the tunnel's between the two mines collide about a mile from where we are. " Great I'll meet you around ten at the mine entrance." I look at Clarisse and say. "I'll bring some blankets for her." That night at the mine entrance... Alex is shifting his weight from foot to foot as we wait for Naomi to arrive. When she does Alex hops in the back to cover the seats with plastic and I run to the mine and whisper. "She's here let's go. Hurry before someone comes."They hand up Clarisse before Jacob comes up and takes her from me. I lead them to the car and they load into the back seat. At the second mine... "Here we are." I say as I uncover the manhole cover that covers the entrance. Alex helps me lift the cover to show a ladder. As they work their way down Alex turns to me. "I don't trust them." I sigh and follow them down the ladder. "I'll be back as soon as I show them where the cave is." I hop down landing on my feet and say. "Follow me closely."I lead them to the cave and help Cassandra make a bed for Clarisse. When I leave Jacob follows me. "Can I come with you? I'll behave I promise." I turn and say sadly. "You can't Jacob. If you did you would get caught and killed." I stare as he sighs and says when will you return?" I look down and say. "I don't know Jacob." I look behind me before saying. "Follow me quickly."I lead him to the hidden tunnel and say. "This leads back to where you were. Don't show your sisters okay?" He nods and hugs me making me blush. "Uh...." I feel my heart pick up it's pace and pull away. I look at him and away quickly. His hand brushes my cheek before he gives me a quick kiss on the cheek. My breath hitches and I turn my face towards his and kiss him. We pull away from each other and start walking back. When we reach the entrance tunnel we hug and part ways. When I get to the ladder Alex waves for me to hurry up.I climb up the ladder and help him close the cover and cover it with sand and leaves. As we are leaving, we hear a heartbroken howl from Jacob right under our feet. I sigh and say. "Lets go Alex. I want to get some sleep." I felt bad about leaving Jacob and Cassandra when their little sister was sick. When I got home I went to my room and started to cry. I was sad when I realized that I was never going to go see Jacob. My heart hurts so bad that I thought that I was going to die. I look out my window at the full moon and plug on my favorite song ever since I was a kid. I turn it up to one hundred and sing along to it. After dancing for an hour I finally run to my closet and change into my favorite black dress. Running down the stairs I burst through the front door and race to the mine.I reached it just as Jacob appears out of it. With a cry of happiness I throw myself at him. Catching me he spins me around in a circle. I kiss him tears running down my cheeks as happiness runs through me. "I love you Jacob. I can't deny it any longer." He hugs me and says. "Then let me come with you." I nod and ask him softly. "Can you change into a smaller dog?" Nodding he pulls away and shifts to a very tiny dog. Picking him up I set him on my shoulder.With him hidden in my hair I arrive at my front door and sneak back up the stairs. I hear my music going and blush when I hear this song. He jumps off my shoulder onto my bed. I pull up the forbidden video and show it to him. He yips and shakes as he phases. "I know this video." My phone goes off and I jump and Jacob hides under the bed. I grab my phone and answer. "Hello, Mom?! Where are you and dad?" I listen for a few seconds and say.
"Yes ma'am I will do that. Love you too mum. Bye..."

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