♠︎Mark, you doing alright?♠︎

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Adam's POV

You know, Cesar and Mark haven't been acting normal these past couple of days.

When we got a cat a couple of days ago, Mark held onto that thing as if it was the last 80 inch full media screen TV. And now, he doesn't even want to mention it's name!

Cesar Salad on the other hand, doesn't like the cat.  He said it ain't an actual cat, but we made sure it was just a stray. You never know what you could let inside your house these days!

I was bored and didn't know what to do. So,  I got up of the couch and said, "We're going to Disneyland!" Jonah, who was near by,  looked at me as I was an idiot. "Dude, it's like a 3 hour drive there, it's almost sundown, and I don't think it would be open by the time we even got there."

"But Jonah!! It's Disneyland! The land of hopes and dreams! How about this,  we go and bring the others,  go to splash mountain, and then we leave.  Simple enough right?" I said.  Jonah just facepalmed himself and I chuckled.

Jonah then grabbed my hand and dragged me into the kitchen, where Salad was. "Yo Cesar! This idiot here said he wants to take us to Disneyland when it's almost closing there when it's a 3 hours drive and just to go on one ride! Sounds crazy right?" Cesar, who had his face inside a book for the past hour, looked up and said. "If you Idiotas estúpidos want to go to Disneyland we can go in the morning." "Yessss!"Jonah kicked me but whatever! We are going to Disneyland baby!!

Cesar's POV

We were all ready to go. For some reason Adam forced us to go to Disneyland. Well, it is sorta my fault for agreeing to it. I was just so busy trying to find out what happened to Y-Sun after he defeated Alexis in a battle with the demigods!

"Are y'all ready to go to Fucking Disneyland?" Adam shouted as we were all down stairs. "Yes, but no need to yell." I said. He shrugged. "Do we have everything?" "Mickey hats, pins, sweater, food, us, yeah we got everything." Jonah joked. I laughed a little. "Wait a minute! 1..... 2.... 3.... 4- Where's Mark?" Adam questioned realizing that there was only 3 of us. "Probably still sleeping." I said. Adam sighed. "Damn you Mark...- Anyway! Cesar go grab him!" "What why me?!" He put his hands on my shoulders. I left very uncomfortable. "You know Mark more. Simple. No go grab him!" He pushed me but I stood up. "Idiotas estúpidos..."

I walked upstairs to go find Mark. Idiot always sleeps in. I knocked on the door. "Mark, we're going to Disneyland! Come on let's go!" It's not like I wanted to go. No response. "Mark?" I knock again. "Hey buddy come on." If he wasn't awake, yes he would be sleeping. I knocked once more. "Heathcliff, Mark, We are going to Disneyland. Let's GO damnit!" Nothing.

I put my ear to the door to see if I could hear something from him. I heard crying. I opened the door and saw Mark sitting in a chair, drawing something? I walk over to him. "Hey Mark, you okay man?" He didn't say anything. I looked down to see what he was drawing. Although, it wasn't a drawing, it was repeated words saying: NOTHING IS WORTH THE RISK. "Mark this isn't funny what the fuck?" Nothing, he just kept writing. I take the paper away from him and he grabs my hands. "Cesar...*sob* I'm scared..." "What's wrong?" I asked sympathetically. "I thought I saw one again. I don't want to die again Cesar! I'm afraid..." I thought for a second. I handed him back the paper.

"Your lucky I don't wanna go." I said. I told him I would be right back and went downstairs. "Yo, where's Mark?" "He's... not feeling well? I'm gonna stay with him." Adam looked at me offended. "But dude! We're going to Disneyland! The land of Mickey mouse! You're just gonna put that down?" I nodded. "Yes. Mark is my friend. And that's final."

Adam sighed and walked out the door. Jonah followed him, waving goodbye. I went back upstairs to check on Mark. He was shaking. I went over to his bed and sat down. I patted a spot next to me and he sat down next to me. I know I'm not really good with this kinda stuff but it would be worth a shot! Besides, Mark is my best friend.

"Wanna tell me whats going on?" I asked. "I.... I thought I saw something this morning." "Where?" He pointed to his closet. "I thought I saw... an Alternate..." I laughed. "It was probably just that Intruder! Ain't nothing to worry about! And it wasn't me." I said. "No, it wasn't either of those. It was taller and more... scarier?" Mark said. "You sure it wasn't just a shadow?" "I just had woken up! I normally don't get up just when I wake up." "Hm, well maybe it was an Alternate?" "THERE'S AN ALTERNATE IN THE HOUSE?!" I was a little offended. "Ahem." "Oh sorry." Although, that cat.... it's an Alternate. Was it fucking with Mark? I'll find out.

Meanwhile with Adam and Jonah a couple hours later.

Third person POV

Adam and Jonah had just got off a ride at Disneyland. They were just walking around now. "Hell yeah! That was fun!" Jonah exclaimed. "Hell yeah it was!" Adam said. He then sighed. "What's up?" Jonah asked. "Nothing just- this would've been more funner with Mark and Cesar... " "Yeah. Hey, we should get them something!" Adam looked at him confused. "Like what?" Jonah looked around, seeing if there was anything that they could buy for the boys. "How about new Mickey hats?" Jonah asked. "That's a great idea!" Adam said. "Yeah! And we can get Cesar a Minnie mouse hat!" Jonah joked. "Haha! Yeah sure." Adam said.


"Hey! We're back!" Jonah said as they walked through the door. Cesar and Mark were already downstairs. "We got you guys hats." Adam said. He chucked a little and handed then both the hats. Mark put his on and then laughed at Cesar. "Ustedes son verdaderos idiotas a veces." Cesar said annoyed. "Yeah yeah, we know Salad." Adam said jokingly. "I'm not a Salad!" Cesar exclaimed. The others laughed.

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