some word today from my boyfriend so far away

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Request! : Hi !!! Will you plz write one about Eddie growing up w  reader and crushing on each other for years as kids and teens and when Eddie and the band go to LA and reader is still finishing HS senior year as 1 year younger than Eddie and they confess feelings and  start dating before he leaves and when she finds out Billy's cheating on Camila, she fears Eddie will do the same. She comes visit the band in LA for a week and is cold towards Eddie and he reassures her his love for her and she's her one and only !!

thank you for the request @eddieroundtreestan2224 I hope you enjoy <3


Eddie loved you more then anything; you were his reason to get up in the morning, his reason to try so hard for the bands success, the reason he got out of bed even when all he wanted to do was sleep. Nothing had ever hurt him more then when he had to leave you behind in Pittsburgh.

He knew it would only be for a year, and that the second you graduated you were going to come out to LA to join them, but it felt like it was going to be an eternity. The day he got into the car and left you crying on your door step broke his heart, but he knew he was doing it for a good reason - that if things went to plan, he was setting up a good and stable future for the two of you.

You'd promised you'd come and visit over each of your breaks and you had - he didn't know when each was, but was always happily surprised to find you on his doorstep with your luggage and a smile on your face. Within seconds you'd retreat into his bedroom in the house and spend the rest of the day curled in each others arms, catching up on everything as though you didn't spend every free moment on the phone together racking up your parents phone bill. Eddie promised he'd pay them back when he got 'rich and famous' so you didn't worry it too much.

Camilla was the only one to know about your upcoming trip to LA, considering she spent most of the time in the house it made it perfect as she'd know who was going to be in the house at any given moment, and could help sneak you in this time before Eddie caught wind of your arrival. So when she called you that night, you weren't surprised to see her number on the screen, however, when you picked it up and found her sobbing down the line, you were shocked to silence.

"Billy- he's-" Camilla couldn't even get the words out between her tears, half a sob quickly turning into a grunt of anger as she took in what she'd saw earlier in the day. "Cheated- I- Baby-"

"Cami?" You whimpered into the phone, hurting because your friend was hurting. Camilla was like your sister, knowing her all your life had given you that closeness, and even though you'd technically known Billy longer, it was an easy choice as to who's side you'd take. "It's okay, baby, breathe."

After a moment of silence, Camilla cleared her throat, sniffling the tears away as she spoke. "He cheated on me. Eddie, Graham - they've all been covering for him."

As if your heart wasn't already aching, now it was breaking. Eddie, your Eddie, would do that? If he'd cover up for Billy - the biggest dick known to man kind - then god knows what he would be doing when you weren't around. Camilla lived with them for gods sake and you? Well, you were halfway across the country and still in high school.

Suddenly it was hard to swallow and your throat was completely dry. "I'm catching the next flight out, I'll be there tomorrow." You hung up the phone before she could ask what you'd do about school but that could wait. It was only a week until spring break anyway and Camilla needed you, your savings would rebuild but her heart might not.

When the phone started ringing again as your were packing your bag, you ignored it - even though you knew it was Eddie and you knew he would worry. After the events that had transpired today you didn't feel like talking to him, not until you could contain your whirring thoughts about whether this meant he would cheat on you.

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