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I'm now in my room, with nothing to do.. I kinda regret taking that test... No maybe I'm just lonely. Everyone has at least one friend, and ofc I don't even have 1. I take my phone out and then I open a chatting app, it's an app were you can text random people and if you don't like them you can just Skip or eliminate him and with him all your chats are gonna get eliminated. Really a nice app for people like me.

I've been talking for a while with this dude, he just vents to me but I still feel better when I talk to him cuz he asks for my opinion and seriously does what I say it's better to do(I'm sure since once e sended me a video were he, with his face blurred, talked to his bf which he had some issues with)

-hey- I texted as always -hi, how are you buddy- he replied
-bored, what about you?-  -same-  he replied with a funny emoji.
-how are things going with your bf?-
-much better thanks to you! I was able to understand why he was acting like that! And we talked for like 2h about it until he had nothing to say!-
-happy to hear that! I hope that you can finally enjoy your relationship!-
-no really if it wasn't for you right now we might be strangers to each others!-

When I saw what he texted me I was kinda happy that I helped him.. After all if I was in his position I would not be able to talk about something else too.
That feeling of happiness was now disappearing to make place to the feeling of guilt. I was so mean to him, I thought of him just as a sensible mf who doesn't care about anything but his feelings..

-he just invited me to dance! What should I answer?! >^<-
I giggled a little he sounds like his crush just asked him out.
-man it's your boyfriend that we're talking about! Off you should say yes!-
-you're right O.o- -gtg! Wish me luck boy!- -sure, enjoy this!- and that was the end of our little chat today.

Now I'm bored again, what to do?
Playing video games? Did it too many times it's not funny anymore
Sleep? Nah I don't feel sleepy at all
Go out is not an option and the others are all watching a film..
"Life sucks" I said after letting out a big sigh
I'll just watch some anime, they(almost) never get boring.

After like 3 hours I hear someone aggressively knocking on my door
"Who tf is knocking do hard?!" I thought as I was opening the door.
When I opened it I saw... Denki?
What is he doing here and why is he so angry..?
"Mineta you are too much!!!" He shouted so loudly that my ears started to hurt
"Why did you flirt with jirou?! I told you that she is my gf!!! I never thought that you would be like this.."
"Jirou? I never left my room tho?"
"You dare to lie when you did everything right in front of me and all of our classmates!?!?!?"
Troublesome, so boring, so stupid i'm really tired of this shit. I know that the only person that could do this is toga, but who would believe me?
"Now you are silent?!" He approached me to use his electricity on me.
I simply pretended to faint,thinking that he would stop.
But he didn't, he continued to kick me in the stomach, punching me like a punching sack. When he finished he closed the door and then I heard him say to someone that I suppose was jirou "I talked to him, don't worry he should not bother you anymore" yeah he talked to me. Man not even my mother dared to call what she did to me a «talk» but a «punishment».
I got up and headed to the bathroom. I was a bloody mess. Bruises everywhere and even a lot of dead skin that was «burned» by the electricity.

"He did not go easy on me" I thought, it's been quite a while since  someone beated me this bad

Since that day had passed 7 days and i'm again in this classroom, the bruises still didn't heal but they weren't on the face but on my body so no one noticed.
Well I think it's better like this. This is all so boring! Why can't anything exciting happe-
The allarm for villains started.
Well I mean it was not what I meaned by that but... I guess it's exciting..?

Sorry guys for not posting at all, and also sorry if this is short but I had literally no motivation to do this!

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2023 ⏰

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