Chapter 6: Madeleine gets into a fight with a bottle of food dye.

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Madeleine sat in his bathroom while Espresso unpacked his hair care kit, Clotted Cream Cookie also stopped by that day after hearing from Madeleine's aunts of what he was planning on doing.

"Are you certain that it's a smart idea to venture into the lower city during a climate like this?" Clotted Cream asked, while Espresso was hacking back Madeleine's hair, "I'm sure you are aware of the incident where a mob surrounded the custard estate in protest. When the guards went out to quell the protesters, one of them got hold of a guard's rifle and threatened to open fire."

"Oh I've heard of it, believe me." Madeline said, "but don't you worry, we're taking extra steps to make sure that I am unrecognizable- OW!"

"Hold still." Espresso yanked at a handful of Madeleine's long, luxurious, locks, and proceeded to saw it off with the scalpel.

Madeleine winced watching gobs of hair land in the sink, "are you planning on running for re-election next term?"

Clotted Cream chuckled, "as a matter of fact, yes, I have been making some plans to run again, seeing how well my last term went. I actually have a few plans in mind for the campaign."

"What are they?" Madeleine asked curiosity.

"I have been thinking about upping our defense, yes, we have the paladins, but they're more like figure heads of the republic, we need something like the Pearl legion."

"No you won't." Espresso cut Clotted cream off, aggressively sawing off more hair.

Clotted Cream raised an eye, "why not? They've proven to be very effective during an attack thanks to the pearl candies. If it wasn't for the pearl candies, the soldiers of House Oyster would be decimated."

"And may I remind you that pearl candies are made in the same way as magic candies, an invention that I patented. I believe Pearl candies fall under the same category as Magic candies. This is my invention, and I have at least some right to determine how it should be used. And I still say no to pearl candies, I don't want my invention to be used like that!" Espresso tossed more hair into the sink.

"Espresso, we've been over this before, we need solid defenses for the republic. We are arming soldiers with more pearl candies."

"If you do that, then I will get my lawyer involved."

"Can we not argue while holding sharp pointy objects?" Madeleine stiffened watching Espresso wave the scalpel.

Clotted Cream sighed, "alright then, have it your way."

Espresso went back to cutting Madeleine's hair. Madeleine cleared his throat hoping to change the subject.

"So," Madeleine clapped his hands together, "do you know who else is running?"

"A Cookie named Salted Caramel Cookie. He's a rather interesting cookie, his mother is a cookie from the sea, and his father came from the Vanilla Kingdom. I will say, he does seem to have the public's interest with his origins." Clotted Cream remarked.

"What is he planning on doing?" Espresso asked brushing some hair off of him.

"He has a seven step plan on how to fix the republic, he wants to fill elder Mille-feuille Cookie and Canelé Cookie's place with two elected cookies. He also plans on fixing the class divide."

"How is he planning on doing that?" Madeleine asked curiously.

Clotted Cream shrugged, "I'm not quite sure, he said in his campaign promise that "every Cookie will be equal". He has a whole list of other things, such as bettering labor laws which is something I've been working on for years, but kept on getting blow backs from factory owners, free health care and education, and higher taxes for the rich."

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