Chapter Eleven

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After school, Jake had football practice so I decided to sit in the library. It was fascinating how many books I’d found, even though I didn’t know how to read any of them, I just looked at the pictures. Someone came into the library, so I shut the book, my cheeks flaming. “Hey, you.” I knew who it was instantly.

Kyle smirked up at me. “What do you want?” I ask, trying not to be so harsh because he had saved me in the parking lot after all. It didn’t matter. He’s an inconsiderate jerk who told the whole damn school about me and what I was to make money.

“I want to know why your so hateful towards me.” He said, all traces of his smirk replaced with a slight frown. “It cant be from the bad sex, because I know it was bad, but-” I cut him off with my obnoxiously loud laughter.

“That’s so not why I hate you.” I had been laughing so hard that I’m wiping tears from my eyes. It was hilarious that he thought that was the reason I hated him. “You dork. It’s because you told the whole school that I was a prostitute and they hated my guts and wrote slut all over the front of my locker in permanent marker!” I complain, all that anger bubbling up inside me from the previous times.

It was Kyle’s turn to laugh. “If you think that’s everything, than you’ve got another thing coming. I’m going to get so much revenge on you it’s not even funny.” He slammed the library book he had been ‘reading’ down on the table. “That whole slut locker thing, count on that and more. And I hope you know that Hammerson does that with all the girl’s, so don’t feel special because your not. Your just like all the other skanks that he’s fooled around with. Your no different.” He threatened menacingly, spitting in my direction.

This kid really had some bi-polar issues since the last time I saw him. Shutting my own history book which I had been pretending to read the whole time because I couldn’t really read, I get up angrily out of my seat and push it back in until the table stops me from doing so. I knew Jake would be at football try-outs, and I didn’t want him to see me all worked up like this. Tears were fleeing before I could stop them. “Hey, your that new girl everyone’s talking about.” I glance up to see a girl about two inches shorter than me smiling.

She had black scene like hair that happened to be in pigtails and hang down just a bit past her shoulders. “I guess.” I say, wiping away the tears and clearing my throat, hoping to cover up my fears and hatred towards the jerk who had just left the library. I knew what his problem was. He was just completely jealous that I’d found someone else to love besides him.

“I saw what happened.” She scooted down on her butt and scrunched her knees up, resembling mine as I sat on the library floor.

Luckily, we were in between some bookcases so that the librarian or any other students wouldn’t be able to hear our conversation. “Don’t listen to him, he’s just a big jerk.” She took the words right out of my mouth. “My name’s Naomi by the way.” She shook my hand formally and then hugged me. Like a best friend I’ve known you for years hug. It felt nice. For being a cute Chinese girl, she didn’t show any signs of a Chinese accent.

She helped me up off the floor and took me to the bathroom to clean up. We enter the restroom and bam, more drama hits me instantly. Groaning, I hope maybe my judgment’s wrong and we’re not hearing Gina’s voice. Before I could beg Naomi to turn around and head to the other bathrooms, the Wicked witch of the West caught me. “So, what do we have here?” She looks me up and down, her and the usual two group posse are walking towards me.

Naomi steps in front of me protectively. For someone so small, she sure seemed like she had a lot of confidence. “Leave Allie alone. She’s new, Gina!” She hissed angrily, her teeth gritted together. Gina stepped closer to Naomi, cheating with her overly long high heels.

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