Goddess (Chapter 2)

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As I stared at the girl, a tightness worked its way into my stomach.

I had never seen anything as beautiful as her in my life. It was as if the Goddess herself had come to the earth in the flesh of a girl. This very girl that my eyes refused to turn from. 

Her golden tan shined with a healthy glow. Not like when someone gets a cheap tan at a sonna. But a glow that was so natural it screamed beauty.

Her long dark brown hair fell in lengths down her back with a little obscuring the natural beauty of her face.

I watched her as she turned around and scanned the hall with her bright eyes. Those eyes! Looking into them was like deja'vu. The perfect blend of golden and hazel. Oh, how I wanted to do nothing more than to get lost in them.

Lost in her.

At any normal moment, I would roll my eyes at that remark, but I couldn't. Not when I agreed with every bit of it. 

My daze was broken when I watched her tiny form shrink back with fear riddled throughout her small body.

Anger ripped through me when the laughter started. I watched her tan face turn to a white pale in horror. Then she was running. 

My feet had started to run after her, but as much as I wanted to, I knew we couldn't. 

"No," I snapped. "We can't. Not yet."

He whined. He actually whined at me.

Please. Please, Josh.

She needs the space. Somethings off. I don't know what it is, but did you see the fear in her eyes?


I took Blaise's silence as a yes. She's different. We need to take our time. We can't scare her.

More silence. I grumbled before making my way to my first period. 

At least we have something to daydream about during Mrs. Fernandez long and boring lecture

He almost made me smile, but the fear in her eyes flashed in my head, stopping my smile from forming.

Way to look on the sunny side bud.

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