Chapter 8

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"Get away from me, you freak!" a girl screamed and shoved the young boy away from her with disgust. "Ughh! I can't believe he touched me!" she took a few steps back and started wiping off the invisible dirt from her gray, checked sleeve.

"Eww... he must carry some illnesses or something..." Another girl added while backing up from her friend, as if she's infected with something contagious.

"Don't be stupid, Martina! Just because this weirdo touched me doesn't mean I have it!" she said aggressively and looked back at the gray haired boy, who was now standing in between two desks with his hands shaking nervously. He was looking at her from under his brows with fear and confusion, but also sadness that developed in him through out the years of attending the school. "Don't even get near me!" the girl screamed once again, attracting even more attention from the passing by students.

"What's going on?" a male voice spoke through the girls whispers and comments. 

He anxiously raised his head and looked at a classmate coming his way- black haired boy, way taller and bigger, who's well known for his skills in football. It is not their first meeting , since the boy liked to make a fool out of his classmates, to gain respect. Aesops eyes widened, as he tried backing up, trying to avoid any confrontation with him, but the boy quickly grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and threw him at the edge of the desk. Aesop hissed in pain, which made the crowd around him fill with various reactions, going from chuckles to words of disapproval.

"Can't learn your lesson, idiot?" he said through his gritted teeth. "You're pissing us off, don't you get it?" his green eyes looked somehow wild, so angry that the scared boy couldn't stand looking into them. 

Aesop was definitely weaker than his classmates, sports were never his thing, so his body had little to no muscles, which made him an easy target. Of course, he is not going to fight back, or call the teacher, nor scream for help. He was fully aware that there's no one around to help him, and fighting back would only cause him more trouble, so he just gave in to whatever people wanted to do with him, letting them fuel the circle of hatred and abuse towards him. 

"Maybe this will stay in your dumb head long enough for you to stop bothering everyone." the boy said and began to drag Aesop out of the classroom.

The hallway was wide, with wooden lockers against the high, green walls. What scared the gray haired boy the most, was the amount of people that would hang out in here during the breaks. Aesop looked around in panic, as people started turning their eyes in the direction of both of them. The hallway quickly went quiet with only a few people whispering and loud laughter coming out of the classroom breaking the silence. He tried resisting, but the boys grip wouldn't let go of Aesops shirt. They stopped next to his locker, when the boy grabbed the doors of it and forced it open. Aesop looked at the inside of the wooden box, his eyes widened in fear.

"No... leave me alone..." He said with a quiet voice.

"What are you squicking about? I can't hear you..." he grabbed the boy by his arms and pushed him into the locker with so much force that air left Aesops lungs the moment his back meet the hard wood. "...from your coffin!"

He could only see the light of the schools hallway for a split second before the doors closed before his face, leaving him alone in a small and dark wooden box. His breath quickened, as he banged at the doors in hopes of someone letting him out. His efforts were fruitless, so he simply gave up to the accompaniment of peoples laughter. He leaned against the back of the lockers inside, when tears started falling down his face. He closed his eyes and cried silently even thought no one would hear his cries through all of the noise outside. 


Aesop closed his eyes when light blinded him. 

"What are you doing in here kid? Ugh, I'm so done with all of your jokes! Get back to your classroom!" said an old lady with a broom in her hand. "And stay after class to clean up this mess!" 

The boy looked back in confusion, as soon as he left his cell. The lady closed the locker to reveal the wooden doors containing not only a tag *7B*, but also a huge *FREAK* written on it with black paint. Aesop nodded his head.

"I'm sorry..." 

"Go to class now." said the lady with dry tone. 

He nodded once again and walked in the direction of his classroom. A few knocks on the doors, were followed by the creek of old wood, and Aesops steps. The teacher turned away from the blackboard and shook his head in disappointment, as the boy passed him and walked over to his desk. His appearance must have surprised everyone, since the class filled with whispering and muttering, that the teacher had to silence once in a while. 


The classes passed by, Aesop tried paying as much attention as he could, but it wasn't easy. People kept turning around, peeking at him, and gossiping. Now, he was kneeling in an empty hallway with an old rag and a bucket of water. His arms were sore from scrubbing the paint out of the wood, and knees bruised from the pressure. All that Aesop dreamed about was to go home to his beloved mother.

"Aesop Carl?" a voice echoed in the hall. 

Aesop raised his head and looked up at the principal standing in front of him. He was wearing his usual- dark red suit with a black tie, that perfectly matched his, as dark mustache and slicked back hair. The kid nodded his head in response and continued cleaning, which made the man disconcert.

"Could I talk to you for a moment?"

The boy neatly folded the rag and placed it at the edge of the bucket. He then looked up, once again, ready for a conversation.

"I would prefer talking to you in my office." to which Aesop stood up and grabbed his brown, leather bag with a little rag-doll pinned to it. 

They walked up the stairs and arrived to the principals office after a short while. The room was filled with dark wood- the floors were dark, the furniture was dark, everything was dark, even the principals character was dark. The only thing that brought colors and a bit of light to the room were piles of books and a big window behind the big desk. 

The man guided Aesop to rest, and then sat down in his big, red armchair. There were many papers and folder laying on the desk, he picked up one of the folders and looked at it for a while.

"Your grades aren't that bad..." 

Aesop stared at him in silence. 

"...but I've seen you have trouble with... your friends. I wanted to talk with your parent about it, but it looks like there is nothing we, as teachers, can do. It's not our fault that you don't get along with them, okay?" he looked at the silent boy for a while, and then grabbed a few papers and a letter. "I need you to give those documents to your parent, alright? Don't loose them on your way back home." He stuck everything in the folder and handed it to him over the desk. Aesop took the folder and looked at it. It was a light brown folder with *STUDENT: Aesop Carl CLASS: B  NUMBER: 7* written on the front. 

The principal cleared his throat and folded his hands "Well! That's it. You may leave now."

Aesop had his eyes locked on the floor, he could feel his head starting to spin, as well as the principals eyes drilling a hole in his head. He stood up and walked out without saying anything.

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