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The City of Arcadia

Arcadia is the ideal place to get lost in; it engulfs an impressive portion of the Elysium's southern lands; so it doesn't surprise me that Isaac's team picked up Mer's scent here; but what does puzzle me is that my people and myself have been up this way before and never smelt her here. Could it be that the reason I've been unable to find my love, is that she's been moving around so that I couldn't?
I used to regularly come down this way, hoping beyond hope that Meredith would turn up or come out of hiding. After all it made sense that she would come here; the Luna, Risa was Merediths best friend long before I met her, and even longer still before Risa became a Luna. It was because of the two beauties that Blackfur's friendship with Arcadia grew beyond the alliance created by the Guild.
It's just another thing I have Meredith to be thankful for.

The further into the city we get, I crack open the windows sniffing like a man unhinged; because let's face it, I am. It's known that Were's and Lycans forced to live without their mates lose their minds within months of separation. I've been apart from Meredith for years.
Being an Alpha may have kept the psychosis a bay for a little longer than the average supernatural.. but decades? Perhaps it happened without me realizing?

I do talk to myself a lot
You talk to me, that doesn't make you crazy
Ok, but what about when you don't answer?
That just means that what you're saying doesn't interest me

Turning a corner, we make it onto a bustling street at the bottom of Pans Path; the mile long pathway that leads up to the Arcas Pack-House.
It's here that I catch it.. the refreshing scent of citrusy orange and lime, it's discovery forces my eyes closed and my lungs to breathe deep, this time detecting a smokey smell with it - like the embers of a nearby campfire.

My eyes close and for a split second I forget where I am and what I'm doing. That smell. Meredith's smell rushes me back to a place and time where it feels like all I do is smile.

The small two bedroom apartment that she once shared with her grandmother. The colorful walls and self-made furniture. The retro diner that we'd go to every Sunday morning, specifically for the Halloween pancakes that were weirdly served all year around.
How her skin felt against mine, her gentle breath fanning against my chest and flush of her face when we made love.

Lurching forward the car spins, everything around us twists and turns - swinging us around in our metal tomb until it jolts still. Axel, red faced and upside down across from me immediately rights himself and launches into a slew of curses; the most coherent being "WHAT THE FUCK KYLE?!"
"Sorry boss! The jerk almost ran right into me!"
From my position I can see our procession of cars trapped between a small army of SUV's, military tanks and phased wolves. It's a rare and impressive display of unity between supernatural and humans. At their command is a man I haven't seen or spoken to in quite a few years, looking at me with contempt.

Alpha Myo Arcas
The City of Arcadia

It's been some time since I've seen Brock, but I'm not surprised that he's here. As soon as the patrol spotted the Blackfur trackers a few days ago, I knew it would only be a matter of time.

In true Lycan fashion, the King  just shows up without so much as a text message. Zero regard for the security of my city or the people I protect here. Arcadia is one of the last safe zones left for the human species; a place for the near depleted race to call home and rebuild. I do this at great cost and risk, something that clearly this Lycan prick didn't even consider when turning up with a convoy of countless blacked out vehicles.
Yeah that doesn't stand out at all!.
"Myo! It's good to see your security is still top notch!"
My wolf growls in my mind,
Zyon: Condescending prick, we could've shot him out of the sky

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