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Arcadia, Arcas Hall

I never should've let that old bastard stay at the Manor. He has to be involved. In fact, I'd bet my life on it!. Bane fucking Blackfur. Appropriately named, he's the bane of my fucking life!.

My loathing for him keeps my mind off the incessant tingle in the back of my head; I know who's trying to mindlink me and right now I don't have the patience for my sisters' sobbing and neediness.
Yeah, I sound like a mean fuck for that and maybe there's a small part of me that wrongly blames her for what's happened; afterall the fucker wouldn't even be in Blackfur if it weren't for her insistence that he be at her wedding..
But I didn't have to agree.
But also, I kind of did.

Bane was a heartless fuck to me and Blake, but to Bri? He was the perfect Dad.. she even calls him 'Daddy'. The whole thing makes me sick
I allowed him back into Blackfur purely for her. For that one day. That one special occasion,  but of course he's overstayed his welcome; and just as his time was officially up - tragedy strikes?There's no way it's a coincidence and as soon as I have him in sight, the fucker's going to die.

"I know what you're thinking, but you have to think about Bri too" Axel chimes looking a little guilty in the corner "He's her Dad and as much as I want to see him dead too, killing him would make her an orphan"
"I'd be one too and I'd be so damn happy there'd be the biggest celebration Elysium's ever seen" Axel grins but presses his point "But Bri wouldn't. You know she'd be broken by it. Can you really do that to her?"
"It doesn't matter how I feel about it Ax" heading for the door with him close behind "Everyone will be looking to me to dish out justice. Ma was loved, respected and she was viciously attacked in her own home. I don't care who did it, an attack like this on anyone gets the death penalty; but on the Royal Family? There's no question. Bri will just have to deal with it".

Arcas Hall, Hospital Wing

"I'm not sorry I used the book" a timid voice says beside me "But I'm sorry that I worried you.. I-I didn't want to disappoint you. I just-"
Stopping my strides I gently grasp Theia's arm, and push as much reassurance as I can through the slowly forming bond between us "You could never disappoint me"
Looking down at her nails nervously her voice quietens "Oh. It's just you seem-" hooking my finger under her chin, I tip it up so that my daughters' eyes meet mine.
"Never be nervous to speak to me. You can tell me anything" cupping her cheek "I was worried and I always will be, but my mood this morning isn't because of anything you've done Theia. I'm sorry if I gave you that impression" she visibly relaxes so I drop my hand.

"So what is it?" Despite the grief in it, my heart smiles at her query. She cares.
Slipping my arm around her shoulders I gently encourage her to walk, "It's nothing for you to worry about" she stops again, looking up at me with that same look Mer used to give me when she sensed bullshit was afoot. It makes me smile.
"Hasn't there been enough withholding information in this.. uh family?. Look where it's gotten us"

Brock: Clever little thing
Deimos: Clearly gets that from mate
"You're right" both her and Deimos "But there's some things that I don't want you burdened with. Especially so soon" leaving no more room for questions. I lead her the last few steps to my borrowed office and open the door.
"OH GODDESS!" And immediately shove Theia behind me.
*Slap* "Ow!"
River demands "Don't shout for her, shout for me!" and Axel growls lustfully
*Smack* "OOH" River moans.
I should look away.
Look away Brock.
Theia's voice comes from my side, her curious eyes wide and dark "Wow" Shoving her back behind me, I pinch my nose. The stench of arousal in the room is too much.

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