Chapter 1

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"Really?! Again? You have been saying that same excuse for the past 3 days!!", I sorta yelled into the phone. Mary was on the end of the phone line. She as been saying she has been having family dinners. She has been ignoring me a lot the past week and its very strange and annoying.

"I'm really sorry.", she answered back into the phone. She sounded like she felt bad but I ignored it.

"Whatever.", I said and pressed the 'End Call' button on my phone. She is getting me really annoyed. She isn't telling me the truth. I have a weird feeling. I decided I would go check up with her at her house. Her whole family knows my family and I very well because Mary and I have been best friends since the 1st grade.

It was 11am. I decided to change from my PJs and put on an outfit. I took a shower the night before so I didn't have to now. I got a white crop top that said "YOUNG WILD & FREE" on it in neon blue letters, short shorts that were light washed, and my pair of bright blue flip flops and put it all on. I also got my belly button charm that was blue and put it on. I got a belly button piecring when I turned 17 and now I'm 18 years old so.. yeah, it looks good cause I have light girl abs. I brushed my hair out and put on some diamond earrings. I put on some mascara and eyeliner also. Checked my self one more time in my mirror and I thought I looked sorta cute today and smiled. I grabbed my phone off my charger and jogged downstairs.

"Hey, mom.", I smiled at my mom who was in the living room watching television.

"Hey, hun. Where you headed, you seem all ready?", my mom asked observing me.

"Yeah, I'm going to Mary's house. I'll be back.", I said getting my car keys from the key hooks in the kitchen.

"Okay. Be careful, love you.", she answered.

"Love you, too.", I said while walking out the front door then shut it. I locked the door with my keys then walked towards my car. I got in and started the car. I was hungry so I decided to go to McDonald's and get something to eat. I pulled out of my driveway and started walking towards McDonald's. Mary doesn't live too far away from me, but I wanted some food first. McDonald's was not too far away either. I opened all the windows of my car including the sunroof and turned the music up, loud.

When I got to McDonald's I turned the music off. I order 2 breakfast sandwiches. One for me and one for Mary, I thought she would want one, too. I got 2 ice creams and 2 sodas. When I got the food I turned the music back on and on the way to Mary's house ate my sandwich. When I got to Mary's house I grabbed the bag with Mary's sandwich and the tray with are drinks and ice cream and got out of the car and knocked on the door. Mary answered. She looked surprised but not in a good way. She wasn't mad but she seemed scared.


WHAT IS CASSY DOING HERE! I don't hate her. Its just she can't find out. I'm scared that when she does, she will be mad. Ugh... What am I going to do?


"Heyy!", I said trying to ignored her reaction. I started to walk in but she stopped me. I always just walk in. Her house is like my house and mine is like hers, why is she acting like this?

"NOOOOO... No... You... Um.. You can't come in...", she answered trying to act chill.

"Umm. Why?", I asked really confused.

"Um. Well. My mom is cleaning and the florr is all wet now. She doesn't want anyone to step on it. I just ran over with out her knowing.", she said. I can tell she was lying.

"Oh...", I said. I decided to play along. Well we can sit right here and eat are food for now. I got you some McDonald's.", I said showing her the food.

"Ohh. Yeah. Sure.", she said and we sat down and she started eating her sandwich and I ate my ice cream.

After about 2 minutes her phone buzzed as for a text. I can't see her screen so I'm not sure. She picked her phone up and started typing, so I guess it was a texted. She seemed to have a whole conversation with this person. They would answer quickly and she answered back as in what they were talking about was important. I didn't want to get into her

"Hey. Soo... If I tell you something you have to promise, not to get mad. Please.", she said. She seemed really scared and serious.

"Umm. Yeah. Promise, I guess.", I said confused.

"So, my mom isn't cleaning and the florr isn't wet.", she said.

"Mhm. So why could I go in.", I said extremely confused now.

"Well... Um. I'll just show you. Come on.", she said nervously and got up. She picked up the tray and bag. I held my ice cream. We walked in and up to her room. When she opened the door and we walked in I dropped my ice cream on the wood floor and stood there in shock.

CLIFFHANGER!! Hope you guys are injoying. It has really gotten good yet, but next chapter everything will start.

Thank for reading. Love ya!

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