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It was finally here. Monday. Harry couldn't believe it, he was going to meet his favourite singer, his idol, the man who inspired Harry to get into the creative arts, Louis Tomlinson. He looked in the mirror at his outfit; it was simple, black jeans, a white t-shirt and a hoodie. He knew it was kind of basic but his friends said to dress casually. He knew he looked fine but something in his mind was making him overthink everything, he stood there for 5 minutes before hearing a knock at his door, that couldn't be him already could it? It can't be 3 yet, could it? Shit. He grabbed his now charged phone from his desk and headed down the corridor of his, Niall's and Zayn's apartment but stops in his track when he hears the familiar Doncaster accent from the living room. 

"Harry! It's for you!" He heard Zayn shout in the distance. Harry took a deep breath and started walking towards the living room. 

"So where you guys going?" Niall asked as Harry entered the room

"He said it was a surprise" Harry replied, making Louis turn to face him immediately. He took in the man in front of him. Louis took a deep breath and tried to hide his smile, which failed because Harry instantly smiled back and Niall and Zayn shared a knowing look and smirked slightly.

"Hey, love," Louis said and walked over to Harry, smiling widely, Harry smiled back. 

"Hi. Are you ready to go?" The younger boy replied 

"Eager then?" The older but shorter boy teased 

"Maybe but it's mainly because if we don't leave soon, those two will harass you with like a hundred questions," Harry said as he gestured towards his two best friends who just laughed.

"Alright then Hazza, let's go," Louis said placing a hand on Harry's waist and lightly guiding him towards the door

"See you guys later," Harry says to Niall and Zayn before walking outside and shutting the door. 

"They're gonna get together by the end of the week I reckon" Niall declared to Zayn as the pair shut the door

"I'd say by the end of the day by the way they were acting" Zayn replies before walking back over to the sofa. 


Louis didn't remove his hand from his waist until they arrived at his car, a black jeep with slightly tinted windows. Louis beat Harry to the jeep, opening the door for the taller boy and shutting it after him before going over to the driver's side and getting in. Harry looked over to Louis and smiled knowing that today could be the start of the rest of his life. He had admired Louis for years, and now he got to spend the day with him, he got to call him a friend and hopefully by the of today maybe more than a friend. 

"Are you seriously not gonna tell me where we're going?" Harry asked gazing at Louis as he buckled himself into the car

"No, I've been proper excited about this surprise since I planned it. I'm not gonna ruin it, love" He chuckled softly and gently patted the taller boy on the knee reassuringly, causing a soft grin to appear on Harry's face. Louis noticed and smiled softly to himself. He knew from the moment he laid eyes on him on Instagram that he liked him. He could tell that he would be a decent person. He knew that today was a day that would change his life forever.


After driving for what felt like hours, Louis put the car to a stop in a small, secluded section of London that Harry didn't think he'd ever been before, gazing over at Harry as soon as he had parked. For a moment, he absorbed himself in his thoughts, of him, and Harry. And how desperately he wanted to kiss him. He turned to Harry and saw a huge smile on his face.

"I don't think I've ever been here," the slightly more muscular man said, looking out of the window at the cafe.

"Is it okay? I thought I'd keep it low-key since I didn't think you'd want swarms of fans surrounding us" The older boy replied.

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