Chapter Four

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 "You don't really have a choice

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"You don't really have a choice. It's either you join or you die. Either way, I get what I want."

I could tell by the way that her head ticked to the side slightly and her removing her hands from her daughter and placing them on her thighs, squeezing her skin, that she wasn't happy with my answer.

She's going to have to get over it. I've never met someone who fought like her. She was nearly untouchable. Yes, she has a few bruises but other than that, she's doing better than the other guy.

"Fine." She says as her nose scrunches slightly. "Nobody touches my daughter and I want a room that nobody has a key too." She demands.

It's funny that she thinks she can demand things as if I can't take her life right now and have no repercussions.

"Okay." I nod. "You start training tomorrow." I tell her, grabbing a key from my drawer.

Of course, I have a copy of every key to every door at this place but I pay for this place, I pay for the food they eat, I pay for the equipment they use. She'll have to get use to these things.

I slide the key over to her before standing once more to show her to her room. She clutches on to her daughter as she walks carefully behind me.

I can barely hear her walking. She's so silent and that's how I know she'll be a good soldier or assassin.

"Mami?" The small voice nearly startles me.

"Cállate, mi bebé." The language rolls perfectly off of her tongue. I keep forward, not wanting to spend more time then necessary with her.
(Hush, my baby)

I learned four languages the moment I found out I was going to become a Don. Spanish, French, Russian, and Italian. It helps with meetings.

"Can I have another birthday?" The child asks.

"Sí, ¿quieres un pastel?" Jasmine says quietly, trying to keep her voice low enough to not let me hear but I've grown to have strong hearing.
(Yes, do you want a cake?)

"Sí, por favor!" The child squeals as Jasmine shush's her.
(Yes, please!)

We finally arrive at there bedroom, pushing the door open, I let them look around at the nearly empty room.

"Tell my men what you need and you will get it. Keep the door locked unless you want people to barge in. The men here tend to get a little drunk during the night and there aren't as many women here. Someone will tell you when food is prepared." I inform her before I leave, shutting the door behind me.

A file gets thrown onto my desk before I pick it up, reading thoroughly.

Name: Jasmine Camila Torres
Age: 20
Height: 5'5
Ethnicity: 100% Colombian
Occupation: None in record
Relations: Daughter: Ansley (5/ August 22, 2018/ Father is unknown), Ex boyfriend: Alejandro Mateo Hernandez (30/ July 14, 1993), Parents: Mia Callie Torres and Diego Juan Torres.
Current address: Saint Ave, South North apartment building, room 401.

That means she had Ansley when she was only 15 years old. I thought she would've been older just by her maturity and the way she holds herself.

"Did you do a background check on this Alejandro guy?" I ask, putting down the folder.

"Not yet." Ralph says, sitting down in the chair. "Why is she here, Roman?"

"You saw the way she fights, she'll be a good soldier." I tell him, turning off my computer.

"You have good soldiers." He points out, standing as I stand.

"Lets talk about this tomorrow, I'm done for the night." I tell him, licking my office door before leaving him standing there.

What I forgot to mention is that Jasmine's room is beside mine. Although none of the men come to this level without permission, I didn't need her thinking she's special.

As I walk past her door, I'm able to hear the faint vibrations of her voice through the door. I couldn't help but move closer to it, leaning on the doorway.

"I wanna go home." The child cries.

"I know, Mi bebé. I'm trying. Do you remember that story I told you? About the Mami who took her baby away from the bad man?" Jasmine pauses and I assume the child answers.

"Well, your Mami is going to do everything she can to get us away from the bad man." She starts to laugh towards the end of her sentence along with the child. The loud giggles of the girls echo, filling the silent hallway.

I sigh before going to my room to take a shower before supper. My room is dark, black curtains, black couches, black blankets. I find it easier to keep things clean and organized.
Jasmine enters the dining room carefully with Ansley perched on her hip. The room goes silent as the men try to figure out who this woman is and as the women judge.

I have noticed a pattern. Joining the mafia tends to boost people's egos. The guys think they can fuck anyone with a snap of their fingers and the girls think they're better than everyone. It's really fucking annoying.

"Have a seat." I say, gesturing to the chair beside me before turning towards the table with a sharp glare.

One of the people who work for me, fixes two plates for them then places them down in their spots as Jasmine hesitates to sit.

I watch her as she looks at the plate of food while the child talks quietly into her mothers ear. Jasmine nods, picking up the roll before taking a bite of it. She waits for a few moments before giving the child a piece then glances towards me.

I don't bother hiding the fact that I'm staring at her. Half of this table is looking at them, they'll get use to her just like she will them.

"What's the kids name?" I ask even though I already know.

"Why? You said you needed me, you don't need to know anything." She replies sharply, glaring at me.

"Mami." The kid tugs on Jasmine's shirt, causing some cleavage to show. I blink a couple of times before looking away with a deep breath.

Damn, I need to get laid.

"What is her name?" I ask more sternly this time.


I nod before making eye contact with Liv and nodding towards the door. She smiles and slips away from the table.

"The food isn't poisoned. They got it out of the same dish they got everyone's from. Do you think I'd poison my entire mafia?" I ask harshly.

She looks skeptical before she takes another bite of something then hands the rest to the little girl on her lap.

I finish eating and wait until she's done before following her back to her room to ensure that they don't fuck with her before I keep walking to a bedroom.

"It's about time, babe."

How are we liking this?

I think I like the way this is going!!

Side note- why is the weather so bipolar this year?!??

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