You're El's sister, she's getting bullied and you helped her PART 1

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Y/n= your name
Y/F/S= Your favorite song

Your pov:
So today was the last day of school for the spring holidays! I was really happy so my siblings were! When the bell rang me,my sister El and our brother Will we went to our class everyone had they're own project,the project was about a historical hero. El decided to choose Hopper,our dad who died for saving the world (I know he's alive),I really miss Jim<3. Some seconds later our teacher arrived in the class,her name is Mr.s Gracie, she's a good teacher for me though. Some kids showed their presitation and now was Angela's turn...Angela...I hate that girl...she thinks that she's the most coolest girl in high school and makes me more mad is that her and her pathetic friends are picking on my sister El! I really wanna beat her a$$ for good. She finally stopped talking about her hero,Helen Keller. Everyone clapped except me,her boyfriend Jake (he's the guy with the glasses) went to help her with her equipment and they sat back down. Mr.s Gracie was about to pull another paper out when she opened it she said my sister's name and everyone clapped. Me and Will were trying to encourage her she looked so anxious because she was afraid of people making fun of poor sis I love her more than anyone<<Hi for my hero...I...I chose my dad>> she said what made me smile but Angela's friends laugh,I felt my blood boiled << And for this presitation, I made a diorama of our cabin>> and then this jerk Jake said << More like diarrhea>> and everyone started laughing I was trying to control my anger issues but I couldn't,I wanted to beat his a$$ for good
El's pov:
I looked at Jake and fake smiled,then I looked at Y/n and she looked furious well my sister has anger issues, sometimes she can't control her anger and she looked like her head was about to explode

(skip now we're at this part where Angela raised her hand to speak)

Back to your pov:
I saw Angela raising her hand to speak, mr.s Gracie told her that she can ask a question after my sister was done with her presitation and then this Angela b!t€h said << Yeah sorry I'm just like... confused? I thought this was a presitation about a historical hero>> and then my sweet innocent sissy (sister lmao)answered << My dad was in newspaper>> and Angela said<<Your local paper>> everyone laughed again,I couldn't take this anymore so I got up from my seat and yelled at her<< Girl just shut up for once okay??? My and Jane's dad is a real hero,he saved the world and that's how you talk about him? But of course you would talk like that because you are a selfish and spoiled girl with no respect in her life!>> the whole class stayed quiet some girls was whispering to each other and that stupid Stacie said<< So Y/n you have anger issues?>> I gave a death glare at her and she stopped looking at me immediately and then Angela started laughing and said<< Do you think anyone here is scared of you because you have anger issues? Nobody is scared of a loser like you and also no one cares about your stupid dad>> then the whole class laughed except me,Will and El,the bell rang and everyone started running out of the class. Me and Will were trying to catch El. El then turned around,walked towards me and hugged me. She sobbed at my shoulder
- I'm sorry Y/n,this is all my fault
- No El,this isn't your fault. I have these fuck!ng anger issues, sometimes I over-react but it's not your fault I want to protect you from these a$$h0les
- Yeah but I don't want you to get into trouble because of my problems.
- El,I swear if anything would happened to you I even would go to the other side of the world to protect you
- I love you Y/n
- I love you too, sissy<3

(Btw this is what you're wearing)

Angela's pov:I just saw these two losers hugging each other of course they are the stupid siblings

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Angela's pov:
I just saw these two losers hugging each other of course they are the stupid siblings. Jane is a freak and Y/n has anger issues...what freaks...I saw my friends laughing at them so I went with them they whispered something cool in my ear and I immediately agreed with it! Jane the freak was walking so I tripped her over and she fell down << Oh my God,I am so sorry I hope Mr. Feblles okay>> ( sorry I don't remember his name) I walked away laughing with Stacie,Jake passed the stupid box to Chad and he stepped on it, the freak was about to cry it was really funny! We started walking away when she yelled my name. I turned around and Jane started walking towards me,she screamed and raised her hand at me like she was a super-hero or something like that me and and my friends laughed our asses off like the whole school when we saw Y/n walking towards Chad and they started arguing
- Did you do that to her project?
- What are you gonna do about it if I say that I did it? Hot stuff?
- Oh God stop calling me hot stuff!
- You don't like it hot stuff?
And then Y/n threw a punch to him which was really cool his nose started bleeding when he attacked her,Y/n blocked him and got on top of him and started throwing punches at him. Stacie was trying to get her off him but Y/n was stronger. I went to help too but Y/n just wanted to beat his a$$! Finally mr.s Gracie arrived she was about to sent Y/n to her office when Jane said
- No mr.s Gracie it wasn't Y/n's fault it was mine Angela and her friends ruined my project and my sister just defended me.
- Really Jane?
- Yes so please don't take Y/n to the principal office she's a good person
- Okay Angela you come with me! Y/n you can go sweetheart!
- What why?
- Let's go
-You believe her? I didn't do anything
El's pov:
It wasn't my sister's fault but mine. Chad was now bleeding he needed to see a doctor
- Are you okay Y/n?
- Yes El don't worry about me,if they hurt you again just tell me alright?
- Thank you Y/n,I love you a lot you're the best sister in this world
- I love you too little Sissy

Part 2 out soon<3

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