Chapter 1

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Nephthys let out a quiet groan when the lights on the cages flickered on, a prod rattling along them as the guard made their way down the aisle.

"Wake up, mutts! Get your asses up, you have visitors coming." His lips pressed to a thin line, though he stood with the others and slowly made his way to the front of his cage. He still had the shackles on his wrist and ankles from the day he had arrived, though the others around him lacked theirs just as they lacked the muzzle he wore. The guards could only tolerate taking it off and getting bitten so many times before they grew fed up with it and left the muzzle on. His golden eyes glowered at the guard as he paused at his cage, his eyes flickering briefly to Nephthys.

"I would not suggest making trouble today, lion." The guard spit the words at him, and the prod jammed into his skin, causing him to snarl, teeth baring as his fingers fisted at his sides. Still, he had grown stronger and accustomed to the pain they often inflicted upon them. Nephthys silenced himself as the doors opened and a male stepped inside, a few at his side. His eyes landed on him, taking in the newest person who would be taking one of his own.

The man before him had a shirt that hardly covered anything; it cut down to where his pants started. Around his neck was a golden necklace with chains attached, which connected to a cape. His hair was a deep brown, nearly black that was spiked from his face. Gold earrings with sapphire dangled from his pointed ears, matching the sapphire rings he wore. His eyes reminded Nephthys of a cat almost; they were slanted and golden as his were. His expression was lazy, his eyes wondering the people around him as if they were not that; as if they were not people. If not for his being, he could have been described as beautiful and attractive. His scent matched that of his clean, well-kempt looks. He smelt minty, but also of herbs.

"Come to buy a new pet?" Nephthys challenged the male when he approached his cage. Nephthys had to admit that his native language was not that of the lands he was in. However, as an advisor, he had learned that of the lands he was visiting to prepare himself.

At his words, he was granted an amused smirk as the male stepped closer to his cage, his eyes roaming Nephthys' bare skin. They landed on his cock that was flaccid between his legs before his eyes met his.

"What type of shifter is he?" The man drawled and the guard quickly spoke.

"A lion, sir. One of the only ones we have received that have not effectively...ended themselves." He explained to him. The man's eyes seemed to light up with intrigue as he stared into Nephthys' eyes for a moment before he glanced back to his friends.

"He would make for quite a prize in your home." One of the female's offered to him. At her side was a young male, dressed in a suit. Yet he was clearly a shifter based on his gray ears and tail as well as the dainty collar and chain he wore.

"Es neesmu balva, kuce! (I am not a prize, bitch!)" He spit the words in his native tongue and the male in front of him let out a low chuckle, startling him.

"It is not polite to call a lady a bitch, little cub." The coo was infuriating and had Nephthys ears pinned back angrily. This male dared to mock him, but more so it was angering to realize that he understood his language, unlike many of the guards around them.

"You speak Carian." He said lowly, taking a step away from the bars.

"Why does this one where a muzzle and chains?" The beautiful male questioned of the guards. One cleared his throat, speaking lowly.

"He is not afraid to fight back, my lord." He explained, earning a look of surprise from the man before he smirked, reaching a hand through the bars.

"Surely a lovely cub such as this one could not be nearly so violent." His words were clearly a taunt as his eyes bore into Nephthys. As if to prove the guards' point, Nephthys snapped his jaws towards him, his nails extending into claws as his mouth began a partial shift into lion jaws.
"Naughty, naughty." He clicked his tongue, wagging a finger in front of his face before glancing at the guards.

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