
109 7 0

Location Coruscant 

Palpatine POV

Currently we are taking a vote on whether or not to escalate this war when all-of-a-sudden 

???: Chancellor!

ME: Yes, what is it?

???: The flagship called the "The Righteous" has reported......finding a new planet.

This is impossible!

ME: .......I-I shall tell the rest of the sennet.

She then gave me a holodisk.

A few moments later.

ME: Respected senneters I have just reseved word that one of our flagships and its crew have discovered a new planet and it is inhabited.

I then insert the holodisk to reveal the planet

I then insert the holodisk to reveal the planet

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ME: We have not yet tried to contact with th-

I was then interrupted by the same person.

???: Sir? ...The people on the planet are trying to contact us.

She said.

ME: It appears that they are now contacting us. Shall I accept?

I hear hardly any nos from the senneters.

ME: Then I shall accept.

I then accepted the holotransmission to be greeted by:

I then accepted the holotransmission to be greeted by:

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Jafaar: Greetings I am Jafaar, King of the serpentine.

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