• the end •

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hey hey hey! :-))
this marks the end of " letters to her ".
it's been an amazing journey to write this story <3
just wanna say thank you to my friends who are reading this story and keeping up with my bullshit all these times.
and also thank you for commenting on the drafts i showed to you.
and also to those people who read this wack ass book haha <3 it's amazing how successful this book is to me.
i gotta be honest, i never thought it could go up to even like 20 reads?!?!
i was flabbergasted bruuuh :-) there might be a sequel so stay tuned!!!
and most importantly,
thank you for sticking by the story and most probably adding it to your favs 💘
lots of love,
peace luv suck a pee pee
- alsyz [ azariffa ] 💦✨

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