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Aiden sighed as he shuffled in his bed, the weight on his arm reminding him how intensely difficult the last week had been.

But now they were home.

He gazed at the older boy as he lounged in his arms, clutching Aiden's t-shirt as he pouted, trying to convince his body to let him go back to sleep. But it was no use; Nathan had slept so much in the hospital, and in the days leading up to it, now he was finding it difficult to shut off.

Aiden didn't mind; the boys had spent three blissful days locked away in his bedroom, masking it as recovery time.

They had spent the whole time playing video games, reading books, or watching movies.

The younger boy hesitated to take part in the last activity, but Nathan convinced him. After he freaked out during the previous movie they watched together, Aiden didn't feel like repeating the incident.

But all was well and calm.

The initial reluctance and panic passed when the older boy linked their fingers with a comforting smile. After that, it was easy. The confident look on Nathan's face gave Aiden everything he needed to feel relaxed.

On day three, their friends came to visit, hanging out in the bedroom as a group for the first time in a while.

They laughed and joked for hours, teasing Jago for how he acted around Cassidy. But then they turned their attention to the two boys who sat on the bed.

Reid, ever the plucky, quizzical group member, spoke first. He tried to play dumb and looked around the room before asking where Nathan had been sleeping. The sandy-haired boy had a devilish grin, trying to suppress the laughter threatening to burst out.

Aiden gulped hard; since returning home, neither boy had discussed sharing their relationship status with their friends. He didn't like keeping secrets from the others, but he didn't want to curse what they had by revealing it too soon.

Nathan, on the other hand, didn't care.

He laughed at his blonde friend's blatant deception and scribbled on a piece of paper, ripping it from his notebook, screwing it up and flinging it at Reid's head.

When the younger boy unravelled the ball, it had a simple, coherent message.

Fuck off.

Nobody was surprised by Nathan's frequent use of aggressive curse words. If he wasn't making hand gestures at Jago, he usually wrote the equivalent and shared it with his friends.

But Reid wouldn't let it go.

And soon enough, Evan was pressing his cousin for information, pulling at his feet as he leaned against the side of the bed. Aiden tried to kick him away, but the stronger boy wouldn't let go, pinching at the pink boy's toes until he squealed in protest.

When Aiden looked at Nathan for help, there was none. 

He knew the boys would not let up until they got the answers they were looking for. So, without missing a beat, the white-haired boy leaned forward and pressed his lips to the younger boy's mouth, catching him in a quick, electrifying kiss that made his heart pound.

Aiden hadn't expected it and was stunned when the older boy pulled away, his radiant eyes glowing with joy and mischief as the others started howling and calling out in hysterical noise.

Jasper threw himself flat on his back, staring at the ceiling in complete awe as Matt sat with his mouth agape, unable to speak. He knew the pair were close, but he didn't think they were that close.

Evan and Reid whooped and cheered with excitement, but neither was surprised.

The youngest boy knew about his cousin's sexuality long ago and shared it with his boyfriend. And even though Nathan had never said a word about his preferences, he was apparently drawn to the pink-haired boy.

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