Aria at the arcade-BEN x reader oneshot

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It's was a regular day at the arcade. Everyone was having fun until......BAM! In came the bullies. Pushing everyone out of they're way to the streetfighter machine. The glared down at the girl siting in the gangs usual spot."Did ya hear?""She's so near beating O.T.T.O'S Score!""What's her name????"The girl smiled. Flipping her (H/C) Hair she looked at the bully's."What's the matter bub? Cat got your tongue?" she said smirking."Your in our spot that's what the matter nerd!" The tallest boy sneered. That must be O.T.T.O she thought."I prefer GETCHU rather than nerd but whatever. Say.....Your O.T.T.O?" She asked rasing an eyebrow."Yeah! Greatest gamer here there ever was!" He said rather proudly. "Narcissistic much? And O.T.T.O? You WERE The greatest gamer." She said laughing."WHAT???????"Otto screamed. He looked over the highscores 1.A.R.I.A2.O.T.T.OHe could not belive his eyes. A girl beat him. A GIRL?"I CHALLENGE YOU TO A MATCH." He yelled.She just smirked.--Ten mintues laterThe battle for her was not tough. But for him he was struggling."HADOKEN""KO!!!!!!!!!!!!!"Otto looked down at his shoes. Then at the Highscores.1.ARIA2.OTTOHe looked at her as she left at the door."Who-Who are you?"She grinned. "I'm (Y/N) But call me ARIA." She waved and walked away.The arcade just stood in awe.--The few weeks--(Y/N) Became the best gamer in the arcade. Everyone greeted her as she came in and everyone just watched in awe as she beat everygame.But on this day.....She would meet her match.----Now(Y/N) walked through the doors of the arcade. She looked around. No one was here yet. Sigh.Slow day I guess she thought. She walked over to the street fighter machine. But there was a boy siting in her spot.She looked at him. He had Long blonde hair but most of it was covered by the green beanie he was wearing. He had a Triforce tattoo on his arm.Zelda fan huh?"Uhhh mind if I watch you play s-sir?" You said stuttering. Since when did you stutter?????"Sure cutie" He said winking. You blushed. Your watched him play the game. You had to admit he was good. Maybe ever TOO good. You looked at him.He seemed lost in the game. His fingers mashing the buttons and his other hand Jerking the joystick around rapidly. He began to smirk. "Enjoying the view?" He said looking at you,Winking for a split second before getting back to his game.A few mins later--"YES!" He yelled jumping up and fist pumping into the air!"So you got on the highscore board. Lemme see where you're at?" You said as you looked at the score. Your jaw dropped.1.B.E.N2.A.R.I.A"You should close your mouth miss and fly might fly in" He said laughing.You just stared at him. Taking it all in. I WILL NOT BE BEATEN BY A HIPSTER you screamed mentally."You wanna match?" You asked him smirking. "Sure. " He replied with a grin."Game on. BEN."-5 mins later.Suddenly you felt not so bold. Everyone was watching you two mash buttons and duel. You felt stressed.You.Had.To.WIN!!!!!!!You now had 10%health All it would take was a one HADOKEN To finish you off. He had 15% health.C'mon (Y/N)! people yelled."HADOKEN""KO!!!!!!!!!!!!"---You just stared at the screen.1.B.E.N2.A.R.I.AHow could this be?You,(Y/N) Were beaten.You looked over to the crowd cheering and congratulating Ben.You walked away,head hanging low as you sat next to the claw machines.He won fare and square you thought.You looked over to the claw machine. The had a (Favorite anime character) Plushy in it!YOU.HAD.TO.GET.IT.You inserted a coin and tried to grab your prize. But no avail. You growled. You tried again 15 times but it kept dropping. You dipped your hand in your purse. There were no coins. Only notes. Pressing your face against the glass, with tears in your eye. What if someone gets it while I'm getting change?Ragequiting you ran to the change machine. Shoving in a ten quickly you began panicking.C'mon C'mon C'MON!!!!!!Finally the change spilled out and you grabbed it and ran to the machine.You stared in horror. It was gone.GONE.GONEDamnit!!!! You hit the floor with a plonk and you sighed in defeat.Why can't I win anymore?A tear fell down your cheek as you just gave up. You felt a tap on your shoulder. "Ben?" You whispered softly.He was standing in front of you smiling."Need a hand there?" Ben said holding a hand out."U-uh Y-eah."You took his and and got up."Uhh listen I saw you over there trying to win this and uhhh HERE!" Ben said blushing shoving into your hand. The plushy.You looked into his eyes. They were A greeny blue. Then he smiled."Thank you.....No one has ever been this nice to me before." you said smiling.Ben smirked as he leaned over and planted a swift kiss on your cheek. Then whispered into your ear. "You deserve to be treated nicely." He whispered.Ben gave you a quick hug and the ran away. He stopped running and started waving."Hey (Y/n) See you tomorrow!!!!!!" He shouted grinning.You just stood there blushing,Hugging the plushy tight.How did he know your name?????
~~~~~~AUTHERS NOTE BITCHESSSS.Hey guys just wanted to say that this was the first X reader I ever wrote!
Based on the Video above

Ben X Reader Oneshot ARIA AT THE ARCADEWhere stories live. Discover now