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Eventually, the music in my room drowned out the constant sound of Dovey's impression of 'party music' (which is really classical or sometimes opera).

I start to sew on the buttons but my mind is elsewhere, her face plaguing my mind. I can't shake the way she looked me up and down - eyes dragging over my figure . Her breaths - irregular. It was nerve racking. Yet something I so desperately need.

Mother would scold me if she found out my teacher became a distraction. It's even worse when I say the Dean of the School for Evil. I'm so...mad? Disappointed? No. The whole idea is quite thrilling, disobeying mother I mean, maybe I am becoming a good villain. Now I'm just making up excuses.

My villainess excuse would lessen the blow. Alas, mother shall never know. I continue to sew, humming to 'Not allowed', when a knock sounds at my door. I turn down the music a little. Maybe I woke someone up? No it's too early, Dovey's music is still on. The knock sounds again - impatient thuds on the wooden door.

"One second!" I call, making my way through the obstacle course of fabrics.

"Hurry up DeVil. I don't have all day." At her voice I freeze. The suit. Her. Shit. I start to speed back across the room. "You have three seconds, before I open this door myself." I stumble and the door bangs open. My wardrobe slams shut and locks with a click - the key falling between my breasts.

"Lady Lesso how can I help?" She closes the door and locks it. I'm in deep shit now.

"What're you hiding DeVil?" She hums, walking over to me, her cane thudding against the floor boards. Somehow she makes her way through the fabrics rather elegantly, not stumbling nor breaking eye contact. I feel myself drowning in the blue hue but continue to stand my ground.

"Why would I tell you?" I smirk. I'm going to die. Right here. Right now. Her ocean eyes roam my face, searching for something. A hint of guilt perhaps, or maybe of my lie.

"So you admit, you're hiding something?" She raises an eyebrow and steps closer. I stay frozen to my spot. "Is there a reason you're here or are you just trying to annoy me?" I snipe. I'm starting to think my rudeness is a defence mechanism.

She moves to stand directly in front of me and I stumble back at the sudden proximity. "Nervous are we DeVil?" She steps closer as I move back, the gesture becoming a pattern at each passing second. She prowls around like an animal that's caught its prey. Unfortunately for her, this prey bites back.

"I'm starting to think you don't know my name." I say, looking into her eyes again. She stops at this statement - suddenly unsure of herself. This is lucky for me as my back is almost near the wall. I almost cringe at the notion, how'd I even let her push me this far across the room?

"I know your name. I just choose not to use it." She explains after what felt like an endless silence. Her head tilts to the side and she glares at me.

"What is it then?"

"Oh stop your whining!" She bursts. I'm slightly surprised by her sudden spurt of energy and stumble (again) backwards."Oh, DeVil did that scare you?" She mocks, starting her advance towards me again. I have no response but a yelp when my back hits the cold stone of my wall. Shit.

She closes in on me, hands on the wall resting either side of my face. Her face stands inches from mine as she stares into my soul. One of her hands moves away from the wall and she drops her cane, it clattering on the ground. I'm made acutely aware of the fact 'I Want It All' by Arctic Monkeys is playing, and choose to ignore it.

Her breath is warm on my face and I get the faint smell of a pumpkin and cinnamon perfume. The scents of seduction, why am I not surprised.

Her hand brushes over my hip and I gasp. She smirks, clearly enjoying my reaction at so little of her touch. I close my mouth and fix her with a hard stare. The ringed hand trails up to my waist, until she loses patience with her own teasing and pulls my front against her and puts her lips on mine.

I freeze for a second before melting into the kiss, hands wrapping around her neck. I thread my fingers through her ginger locks and pull her closer. Her other hand makes its way around my neck as her teeth pull at my bottom lip. Her knee slides in-between by thighs, keeping us upright against the wall. I moan softly and feel her smirk as her tounge makes its way into my mouth. She explores freely until running out of breath and pulling away.

I look at her, still in shock. She stares back."Yknow DeVil, you're quite distracting. Lucky for me I also have that affect on you." I raise an eyebrow. "Because now I'll know what you're hiding." She dangles the chained key in my face, a smug smile all over her features. My eyes widen and I go to grab it. She moves away.

"Behave Y/N." I stop at the use of my name. She chuckles and, retrieving her cane, makes her way to the wardrobe. I wake up in that moment as the panic sets over me. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, Lady Lesso."

"Oh, then why don't you?" She challenges. I do nothing. "That's what I thought." She opens the wardrobe slowly, as if to tease me, however, when she sees what's inside she says nothing.

"I- Uhm- Sorry? I don't know. I made it because I couldn't stop thinking about you and-"

"I saw the design in the first assembly but how did you get my measurements?" She says refering to the paper taped to the back of the door.

"I went by eye."

"Impressive, they're correct actually." She says almost genuinely,"Is it finished?"

"Almost, why?"

"Bring it to me once it's done." She hands me the key and places a firm kiss on my lips. "Just so you know who you belong to." I smile at her consideration. She saw the suit and liked it and she likes me.

"Goodnight Lady Lesso."

"Goodnight Y/N DeVil."

This woman is going to be the death of me.

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