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Surprisingly, I found that Lady Lesso did not want to be so secretive about our... predicament, if you will, and would gladly be affectionate in front of others. It was a shock at first to both me and, well, everyone else as they were unknowing of our feud turned make out session.

I was in the dining hall when she was sauntering past. We made eye contact like we used to before and I'd assumed it would be silent acknowledgment from this point further - our relationship a sure secret. Contrastingly, she stopped at my table, leant down, asked if I would be attending all her classes today. I said yes and she replied with a 'good',  pressed a firm kiss to my lips before waving her cane dramatically and leaving.

I felt myself go red and from that point on, everyone knew to stay away from me. Clarissa and the other staff speak to me as if I'm an adult, which I am. Technically. Plus we make a super hot couple. Everything was good, great even (for a never that is) until she arrived. The spotted dogs did not answer my prayers. Her name, I do not wish to speak. Ever. But I'll make an exception after I tell you how I met her.

It's finally the first day back from our half term break. I was pretty damn bored at home, or maybe just missing Leonora. Same thing, right?

I spent most of my time with mother, showing her a few of my projects and ideas. She asked to see my sketchbook and was impressed, especially by Lesso's suit design. Said I was finally learning how to express myself through clothes. Honestly it was a great confidence boost.

I arrived back at the school and yet again wasn't dropped into the water. We received our schedules - mine unsurprisingly the same as last year's and I have a feeling it was requested by Lesso. She really does want me to keep attending her classes, she made that clear last term in the dining hall.

I smile at the thought of her, seeing her red locks and kissing her lips. But first, put my stuff in my dorm and head to assembly. I pull on my medusa aevitas platform pumps, translucent black tights, a v neck long sleeved black mini dress and some hand crafted skull earrings.

Content with my outfit I fix my hair and makeup before going to the hall. Earlier than everyone else obviously. I'm going to see her. Finally.

Smiling I entered the hall and found it empty of students, but the red head i'd been searching for had her back to me and was talking to Clarissa. She wears the suit. My suit. It's simple but elegant - black fitted blazer that accentuates her curves, matching bottoms and heels. I also know she's wearing a white shirt, unbuttoned at the top like I advised.

Quietly, I snuck up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist, head going under her arm. She tenses for a second before realising who it is. Clarissa walks away silently, flashing me a brief smile and a wink.

"Now then, what do we have here?" Lesso hums seductively. I loosen my grip so she can turn around to face me. I look into the blue eyes I've missed so much, the blue that is still so easily drowning me. Her hands rest on my waist and thanks to my heels I don't have to stand on my tiptoes to kiss her.

She presses her lips to mine briefly and I kiss her cheek.

"Let me see you." She almost asks. I comply, stepping back to show her my outfit. I do a little spin and she smiles. Her eyes scan my body before she pulls me toward her again. She places another kiss on my lips, I wrap my hands around her neck. "You should wear that dress more often." She compliments.

"Maybe I will"  I smirk, "If you wear that suit more often."

"Sure, also I like the earrings, you make them?"

"Yeah." I smile fondly at her.


"Shutup and kiss me." She raises an eyebrow and I roll my eyes at her antics. They're far too amusing to be irritating though. "Please." I add. This satisfies her as she pulls me in again. I sigh contently and pull away. Students start to file in.

"Go join your friends, I'll see you later." She says with a wink and smirk. I laugh and she releases me from her grip, placing a last kiss on my lips.

I walked over to the group who was watching my interaction with smug expressions on their faces. I roll my eyes and laugh at their antics before greeting each of them with a hug and taking our seats. We sit close to Lesso as per my request, just so I can admire her. The assembly goes similar to last year, until the end where they make one more announcement.

"And finally we have a new student." Dovey calls, her voice echoing across the hall.

"Miss Hellman, if you will." Lesso finishes. That name sounds familiar. I dismiss it as a girl walks out from behind the curtains, her blue eyes contrasted by long lashes and long brown hair. Both are somehow familiar. She has full lips and a nice body. The boy's eyes roam her body from both sides, some even drooling. How repulsive. She rolls her eyes at this and I take the time to admire her outfit. She can dress, that much is clear. A fashion friend?

She sports a long black jacket that ends at her ankles. It's unbuttoned to display a floral cropped top and skirt that turns fully black at her abdomen. It ends mid thigh showing a small patch of skin before matching knee high heels start.

"This is Zylia Hellman, our newest edition to the School for Evil." Lesso drawls and I smile, temporarily forgetting the new girl. "Welcome and we wish you all the worst." She finishes with a flourish.

Zylia bows dramatically before walking over to the Nevers seats, and that's when I see it. The whistle hanging from her neck. The walk, I've been trained to watch out for, so self entitled
This is not a friend it is family. And unfortunately for her she is not mother, meaning she's no friend, she's a foe.

Hello, Baronesses' daughter.

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