one. welcome back to shittyside

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Deena sat against her premade, or what she called it, messy bed as she scribbled on a half ripped piece of lined notebook paper

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Deena sat against her premade, or what she called it, messy bed as she scribbled on a half ripped piece of lined notebook paper. She had been planning to give back Max all of her stuff that she had left behind like pictures of the two in photo booths, doodles Max drew for her and even her walkman.

Deena angrily scribbled over what she had previously written in her black ink pen, she had been sitting there for at least thirty minutes since she had woken up, indecisive on what the note should actually say since the two hadn't spoken in awhile. Under the scribbled black ink, said: "Dear Max, I hate you."

Writing again in black ink, Deena thought to herself: "Dear Max, I wish we never met." Staring at the sentence for a good five seconds, she scribbled over it once again. She let out a sigh as she began to write again, memories flooding her mind as she seemed to write in pen angrily. Suddenly, her alarm went off which pushed her out of her thoughts.

Reaching over to shut it off, she slipped the piece of paper in the box before wandering off to her closet to get dressed, the note reading: "Dear Max, go fuck yourself. Love, Deena."

"Shadyside, small-town America. But among locals, a history of horror has earned it another nickname, Killer Capital USA." The news reporter on the TV had went on and on about how Shadyside was this terrible town before Deena stared down at it, noticing Max's uncle standing off to the side as she picked up her dads empty beer cans that he had left everywhere.

𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐒𝐄𝐃 - D.J.Where stories live. Discover now