Ch 3: Escaping

194 10 4

Yuta p.o.v

'Soooooo boring~' I am so bored right now.

I have zero idea on how long it has been since I reincarnated, and there's nothing to do here. My eyes keeps getting better as my night vision is now Lv 8. But something worse is, as I was sitting around, concentrating about thinking ways out of my current situation, I managed to get the skill [Concentration] and that suddenly turned into [Thought acceleration] and it's now Lv 3, making it even harder to know the time. In my infinite misery, I have used an indestructible amount of appraisal. I literally made appraisal Lv 10 and the skill would be useful, if I could use it on other things than these damn centipedes that is. I was in misery, that was noticeable. I needed something to do other than lay around here. After lazing for a couple more minutes, I came up with what I could do.

'That exit...' Looking over to the giant hole in the wall, I though of something.

'I can get out of here, but how. Will that giant centipede stop me? No, probably not. It didn't even try to stop us from killing each other' Making up my mind, I crept over toward the hole.

'Wait... will I be able to ki-'

{Large Elroe Gigantea Centipede Lv. 29}
{Status: Strong}
{HP    2,767/2,767}
{MP    2,301/2,301}
{SP    2,446/2,446}
{Offense :    2,706}
{Defense :    2,835}
{Magic :    2,278}
{Resistance :    2,801}
{Speed :    2,484}
{Stat Skills}
{HP Rapid Recovery LV2 • MP Rapid Recovery LV1 • MP Minimized Consumption LV1 • SP Rapid Recovery LV2 • SP Minimized Consumption LV2 • Longevity LV9 • Magic Hoard LV8 • Fortune LV8 • Herculean Strength LV8 • Sturdy LV8 • Monk LV7 • Talisman LV7 • Acceleration LV8 • Magic Power Attack LV6 • Energy Attack LV7 • Terrain Attack LV5 • Terrain Enhancement LV7 • Destruction Enhancement LV7 • Cutting Enhancement LV8 • Piercing Enhancement LV5 • Impact Enhancement LV7 • Magic Warfare LV4 • Mental Warfare LV7 • Dimensional Maneuvering LV2 • Telescopic Sight LV2 • Magic Power Perception LV10 • Danger Perception LV10 • Presence Perception LV10 • Heat Perception LV8 • Motion Perception LV4 • Hit LV10 • Evasion LV10 • Probability Super-Correction LV1 • Magic Power Operation LV7 • Earth Magic LV9 • Shadow Magic LV8 • Destruction Resistance LV6 • Cutting Resistance LV8 • Piercing Resistance LV7 • Impact Super-Resistance LV1 • Shock Resistance LV6 • Terrain Nullification • Fire Resistance LV2 • Lightning Resistance LV4 • Water Resistance LV1 • Wind Resistance LV2 • Dark Resistance LV1 • Status Condition Super-Resistance LV3 • Rot Resistance LV3 • Stealth LV9 • Pain Nullification • Imperial Scales LV8 • Hard Armor LV6 • Steel Body LV6 • Pain Super-Mitigation LV3 • Night Vision LV10 • Vision Expansion LV5 • Vision Enhancement LV10 • Auditory Enhancement LV8 • Olfactory Enhancement LV3 • Tactile Enhancement LV2}
(A/n: It's almost as powerful as Araba, bruh)

'Nope!' There's no fucking way I'll kill something like that.

Continuing my way to the hole, it doesn't seem like the big guy is doing anything.

{Obtained skill [Stealth LV1] }


The giant centipede didn't seem to see me as I easily managed to sneak pass it. Getting inside, I started sprinting away from the place.

{Obtained skill [Running LV1] }

'Cool, cool' A running skill is good.

After a small while of running, I came to a new space, way~ larger than the small space I was in before. It was cool seeing a new place.

'Now it's time for me to find something to do' Not long after I thought that, I ran into a frog-like thingy.

{Elroe Frog    Lv. 3}
{Stats: weak}
{HP    73/73}
{MP    49/49}
{SP    61/61}
{Offense :    41}
{Defense :    41}
{Magic :    32}
{Resistance :    32}
{Speed :    37}
{Poison Synthesis LV1 • Acid Attack LV1 • Expel LV1 • Night Vision LV6 • Poison Resistance LV1 • Acid Resistance LV1 }

'I am a lot stronger than that!'

{Small Unique Elroe Gigantea Centipede [Unnamed] Lv. 4 Skill Points: 163}
{Stats: weak}
{HP 166/166}
{MP 113/113}
{SP 151/187}
{Offense : 249}
{Defense : 271}
{Magic : 92}
{Resistance : 132}
{Speed : 197}
{Pain resistance LV7 • Poison Synthesis LV3 • Poison fang LV4 • Evasion LV4 • Hit Lv. 4 • Night Vision LV8 • Poison Resistance LV6 • Acid Resistance LV6 • Intimidation LV1 • Appraisal LV10 • Concentration LV10 • Thought Acceleration LV3 • Taboo LV3 • Heretic magic LV3 • Running LV1 • Stealth LV1}

Slowly, I began to approach the frog as stealthy as I could.

{Skill [Stealth Lv. 1] has risen to [Stealth Lv. 2] }

The stealth skill increase was great, now it's chance of noticing me is even lower. Sneaking right behind it, I bit it's neck with my fangs. After letting the poison seep into the frog, it struggled a bit then quickly dropped dead.

{Experience threshold has been reached. Small Unique Elroe Gigantea Centipede [Unnamed] has risen from Lv. 4 to Lv. 5}

{All core stats have been increased}

{Skill proficiency level-up bonus acquired}

{Skill [Night vision Lv. 8] has risen to [Night vision LV9] }

{Skill [Pain resistance Lv. 7] has risen to [Pain resistance LV8] }

{Skill [Poison synthesis Lv. 4] has risen to [Poison synthesis LV5]}

{Skill [Poison resistance Lv. 6] has risen to [Poison resistance LV7] }

{Skill [Acid resistance Lv. 6] has risen to [Acid resistance LV7] }

{Skill [Rot resistance Lv. 6] has risen to [Rot resistance LV7] }

{Skill [Poison fang Lv. 4] has risen to [Poison fang LV5] }

{Skill [Hit Lv. 4] has risen to [Hit LV5] }

{Skill [Evasion Lv. 1] has risen to [Evasion LV4]}

{Skill [Intimidate Lv. 1] has risen to [Intimidate LV4]}

{Skill [Thought acceleration Lv. 1] has risen to [Thought acceleration LV4]}

{Skill [TabooLv. 3] has risen to [Taboo LV5]}

{Skill [Heretic magic Lv. 3] has risen to [Heretic magic LV5]}

{You have gained skill points}

'Hahaha! Too easy!' Looking to the side, I saw large amounts of monsters of different kinds.

'Fuck yeah baby!'

A/n: Just realized how chapters are going to be from now on when they have stat analysis.

I'm a goddamn centipede, so what?Where stories live. Discover now